
What is your main priority?
What are your top 5 priorities?
Are they the same throughout the whole year?
During the Christmas season, do your priorities change at all?
Because God says they shouldn’t. 
 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
   • Matthew 6:33
    The average American citizen looks at their phone 144 times a day.
    They look at their phone an average of 4 hours and 25 minutes per day.
    The only thing we voluntarily DO more per day, is sleep. 
The Cellular Phone:
It is by far the priority daily activity of everyone in the U.S. today (Probably the world.).
In contrast:
    How much time a day do you look at the Bible?
    How much time during the day do you pray?
    Seriously…real prayer.
    How much time do you listen to (or Meditate with) God?
Is it anywhere close to the time on your phone?
Does your walk with God, throughout the day,
Have the same importance that your phone does?
 I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures
   • 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
So, during your personal time of the day, if anyone looked at you, could they detect your priority?
Would they know the most important activity of your day?
Would you be with your phone, or with your Lord more?
Would they see you involved with reading texts or reading the Word more?
Would they see you with social media or scriptures more?
If they looked at you, would they see anxiousness from hearing the news
Or would they see peace from hearing from the Lord?
   ☆ Be still, and know that I am God
   • Psalm 46:10
So, here I am, creating this blog…on a tablet (a phone on steriods!)
Does that make me a hypocrite?
Let’s look at this;
These blogs are finished by way of a prayerful process.
        6. The end blog is the Words that the Lord put on my heart.
        5. About the scriptures that were chosen for me from the Bible.
        4. After I spent time IN the Word to do my research about The Word
        3. Regarding the topic the Lord told me to write about.
        2. Immediately following the praying I did to God to prepare for the assignment.
        1. Because HE pierced my heart to spread the Word and carry the message.
Using the tools of the tablet and technology to share the message;
Puts me in the position where I find myself in a quandary…I am spending the time on the phone (which I don’t like), as a way to spend time with GOD (Which I thirst every moment for.).
  –  It forces me to be in the Word more.
  –  It demands I research, study and know what I write on, as it is too important to screw around with.
  –  It makes me desire to be with God at all times, even when I am on the phone.
  –  THAT is something I love, because THAT is my priority.
   ☆ Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,and who meditates on his law day and night.
   • Psalm 1:1-2
        Let it be obvious to anyone who sees us what our priority is.
        Let others see is IN THE WORD.
        Let others see us praying.
        Let others see us being still, and just ‘being’ with God.
If we are on our phone THAT much;
Let us realize how can we use that time to know God more.
Seeking HIM first, and HIS righteousness.
Let us example the reason for the season.