Let us remember Christian;

     – We are to live in VICTORY
     – We’re not to live in HYPOCRISY
This scripture reminds us that;
     • We can boldly speak about The Lord,
     • We can explain people what the Word says.
     • We can memorize & recite the scriptures
     • We can teach people about the apostles & Bible times
         ~ But ~
None of that will matter if we are not living examples of a faithful life in God through Christ.
   – It doesn’t matter what you teach
   – If you don’t practice what you preach
It is so critically important that our victory in Christ is authentic so that anyone watching can see how we are set apart by our walk, talk, behaviors, and actions.
     • The peace,
     • The mercy,
     • The grace and
     • The forgiveness
Should be apparent to anyone who sees us.
They should know we are Christians by OUR LOVE.
     ~ HOWEVER ~
The world can infect the Christian, dull the shine of the Spirit, and tarnish the message of Jesus.
And when that worldly lifestyle is visible, or when that sin nature is evident;
The message of God coming out of our mouths will not match the pattern of our living and create a hypocritical perception of what a Christian is.
Which reminds me of this famous statement;
  – ‘The worst advertisement for Christianity
  – If often the Christian.’
So, let us advertise
In our love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.

Let us walk our talk.