(or it should be)

I love this picture!A brave, hard charging knight, using his ‘shield of faith’ to rush forward toward the barrage of arrows from the adversary.He is going into an obviously extensive attack, and yet he is heroically running right into those enemy lines.Is that me?Is that you?Well, Christian, IF it is not, it should be!     • We are to live in that victory.     • We are to live in that courage.     • We are to live in that assurance.     • We are to live in that faith.With all of the promises that God has given us,&With all of the experiences in our life history,When you combine those, it all just proves that God keeps all of His promises.  – It should be easy for any warrior to live in the constant daily triumph of any battle that could ever come before them.Why?Because of who our commanding general is.&Because of who our Father is.Yes,You know it, they are the same…God.   – We belong to the unbeatable army led by the general who has already won the war.   – We are of royal blood, real sons of the most high king of all time!So,Look at this picture again;     • Do you see courage or a coward?     • Do you see confidence or concern?     • Do you see determination or despair?    • Do you see fear or faith?Christian, we are to live like we already won!In the victory that comes in the form of the spirit of boldness.We have overcome any fear of evil spirits.We are, like the soldier in this picture,  – In a battle that is our life,  – In a war, that is the world.           ~ But God…HE has made a covenant with us, a vow to us that we shall overcome all obstacles,HE has given us a commitment, a pledge to defeat all spiritual attacks against us.HE guaranteed that we will live in the conquest of the war against the enemy.So, again I ask…Is that you?