OK, SO;   – We know how fully armored we are.   – We know who our enemy is.   – We know what our defensive weapons are.   – We know what our offensive weapons are.   – We know the character of our enemy.But now we get a glimpse of the type of warrior our commanding general is.HE is a ‘DREAD WARRIOR’.If any of you have ever played Dungeons & Dragons, you will have heard of a ‘dread warrior’ before.That is a special type of ‘undead’ fighter that has special powers.Well, obviously, the Bible was the first, and they got their idea of that game’s character from it.When Jeremiah wrote these words around 625 BC, he was speaking about God being our dread warrior.An eternal, living, powerful, and unstoppable champion.It is obvious that Jeremiah is speaking of how God will be so much more than just a conscript we’ve prayed for to represent us.He is our hero, universal combatant.     • We need to just stand.     • We need to just stay firm.     • We need to just surrender.     • We need to just obey & serve.HE will do all the rest.And because of that;   – Our enemy will be unstable   – Our enemy will be shamed   – Our enemy will be so dishonored that they will live in eternal humiliation.Not by anything WE have done, but by God foiling satans plans and efforts.Because we are living in the armor HE provided us and letting HIM fight the battle that we know HE’S already won, we can live in HIS eternal victory, peace and assurance.