We’ve talked about the spiritual battle that is going on

   – We’ve talked about what God gave us for our defense.
   – We’ve talked about what God gave us for our offense.
   – We’ve talked about the character of Christ we are to have.
   – We’ve talked about the character of our enemy we should NOT have.
These topics, these issues about this war, when put together, should provide us all with such confidence, assurance, and boldness to consider this issue…well…a NON ISSUE.
The armament that God gives us is unbeatable and insurmountable.
That should provide us with fearlessness and determination where the joy of living in victory becomes a natural and consistent way of life for us.
But how do we get there?
     • Belief
     • Faith
     • Trust
     • Surrender
     • Obedience
To live in the faith of those promises from God.
To believe, by our history, that God will keep His promises.
To trust that God provides the Spirit of certainty that only God can provide.
   – God created us to be firm in our faith
   – God created us to be secure in our standing with God
  – God created us to be happy in the hope we have in HIM.
Which we only be able to achieve if we live our lives as the Bible shows, tells, and gives examples to us.
Fear not, my fellow Christian…

The war has already been won.