The most skilled fighter can be at such humble peace and show respect to everyone.Why?Because he knows he can defeat anyone, anytime, anywhere.   – How well do YOU wield the Sword?   – How well do YOU know or understand the Word?   – How well do YOU live out the Truth?We need to be very skilled at all those things.Because the enemy is an expert in battle.   • When the attack of evil comes at us;Are we competent to counterattack?   • When the demonic charge of lies comes at us;Are we ready to quell it with The Truth?Let us consider ‘The Bible ThumperThese people are the judgmental Christians;They may think they are competent fighters, but actually, they are probably the most unskilled Christian warriors in battle.Sometimes, they are even at battle with themselves.In the skirmish the enemy comes at them with, they can be seen flailing their sword around in anger (using scriptures to condemn others), or sometimes in fear (to justify their sin).Using the same fury for nothing important at all, as they would for the fight of their life.They may get lucky and hit their foe, but most likely, they may hurt themselves, get wounded by the enemy or even worse, destroy others around them by the shrapnel that flies from the explosions of that battle.You see, our enemy KNOWS how to use their weapons, and he can parry, deflect, and misdirect any any untrained handler of the Sword of The Spirit.The best Christian Warrior realizes that.The best Christian Warrior realizes that the battle is not his.So,The best Christian Warrior doesn’t engage in that war.The Sword, the Word,Is not for us to use to fight against the devil.We don’t NEED to…He’s already vanquished.God kicked his butt.We already won!We should use the Sword to pierce the heart of the person who has not yet heard the Good News.The most skilled Christian Warrior, does not live in fear of the enemy, he lives in victory.The most skilled Christian Warrior helps to teach, train, and send out the next battalion of Christian Warriors.