Remember that old gospel song;
‘Onward Christian Soldier‘?
I loved that song as a little kid, way before I even had a clue to what it meant.
It makes me think of Israel.
As a citizen of Israel, it is mandatory for everyone…male of female…to serve 2 years in the military.
Those people all ‘KNOW‘ what they will, at some point, have to face.
I think we Christians should have that same mindset.
As a soldier of Christ
we must assume that we will;
• Face many battles we don’t want to fight
• Deal with many hardships we didn’t create
• Battle the enemy to save relationships he wants to destroy &
• Make it through this world without being destroyed by the liar who runs it.
But that is what a warrior does.
He marches on, even when he KNOWS he will have to endure some
– Difficulty
– Discomfort &
– Disaster
Let us all be those kinds of warriors.
Onward Christian Soldiers.