Social ME-dia
Because of Ahavah Ministries, I have found a way to post messages to all the Social media platforms through an outside program.
That way, it makes it where I never have to log on to any of the sites.
I am SO happy for that.
Because it has been around 9 months since I have stopped my daily personal social media attendance and activities.
It had become too Social ME-dia.
I found myself more anxious.
I found myself more bitter.
I found myself more opinionated.
I found myself more judgmental.
The closer I got to the Lord, the worse I felt about what I saw, read and heard online.
Not from what I said, wrote or added, but by what I experienced from others.
☆ Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
• 1 Corinthians 15:33
– It was not ‘Just‘ the arrogant people who need to tell you everything you think is wrong, and everything they think is right.
– It was not ‘Just‘ the egomaniacs who needed to show you every meal they ate, or every place they went.
– It was not ‘Just‘ the narcissist who believes you need to know every single thought that comes through their minds.
It was all of it.
It was destructive.
It was all based on selfishness…Social ME-dia.
☆ I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites
• Romans 16:17-18
The only way Social ME-dia can live in todays culture is to;
• Separate people into tribes (Social Categories) we never belonged to before
• Create enemies (Ideological) that we never knew we had before,
• Remove any patriotism (Nationalism) we had always had before, and
• Install a collective selfishness (Social Engineering) we’ve never had before.
But when combined;
All of these self absorbed people, in a new hive mind mentality, having to prove their ideology, can only do so with a dishonesty that is only bearable because of the Cognitive Dissonance that must exist to believe it.
That is why the practical, pragmatic, logical, honest and Christian viewpoints met with such hostility…it unmasks their Lie of the ‘i’…the me, me, me lifestyle of all of those addicted to Social ME-dia.
But we can not live that way.
It becomes Emotional Bondage.
☆ Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
• Ephesians 4:31
The reason I post on Social ME-dia, is to share scriptures and teachings.
I no longer interact with others in conversations today.
Not because I don’t want to, because I wish I could.
I don’t though because even in the best of conversations, those who disagree can come in, as an interloper with hate and ruin conversations.
Or also because sometimes the meaning of the message can get lost through translation, as people read BETWEEN the lines, assuming the intent, and assuming the attitude behind it.
Creating disasters of misinterpretation which can spiral out of control.
No, today I want to share the GOOD NEWS only!
I now write to spread the message of what the Bible says is coming.
I choose to share about HOW The Word tells us to live so we can be ready.
☆ Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
• Ephesians 4:32
Social ME-dia is the exact opposite of that.
Let us use these platforms to promote God’s way of life.
Let us share with each other how to lift others up, and encourage.
Let us show humility, self-LESS-ness as we share the Good News.
Let us boldly example HIM in our thoughts, words and actions.
Because as we do this, we can turn the Social ME-dia, into a way to serve GOD.
☆ Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
• 2 Timothy 2:15
So thank you for understanding why I am no longer on Social media on a personal level.
And thank you for following the Good News, Messages and Teachings and Ahavah Ministries shares.
Because the best is yet to come!!
We love you and appreciate you very much.

Tagged Happy Easter