About 18 month’s ago, I asked the question: What does Loud and Proud mean to you?
Unlike then when I first asked it though, this time I have more background to it’s origins.
I’m loud and I’m proud was a statement made famous by James Brown in a 1968 song called ‘Say It Loud’, about him being a black man.
However, like the rainbow, and the word Gay (which just meant happy), the coalition for alternative lifestyles (There was no LGBTQi alphabet yet) liked it, so they just liberated that phrase, and took it as their own.
Thus, the gay community in the early 1970’s became ‘Loud and Proud’.
Well, in doing so, for those people to be able to be Loud and Proud, other people would have to be muted and modest.
That is when the attack on Christianity by the U.S. culture took a very abrupt left turn.
The traditional Christian lifestyle, morality, principles or honor had to be silenced.
So, the censorship and belittling of a Christ based household had to be attacked, and it has been increasing exponentially each and every year since.
But like it was in the time of Jeremiah, that should be no surprise to us at all today.
☆ Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted
• 2 Timothy 3:12
– Have you shocked by some of the anti-Christian hostility?
– Does it amaze you how fast kindness has deteriorated?
– Are you caught off guard at how bad it is getting?
If you are, why?
It has been like this since Jeremiah’s time, and it is only going to get worse.
We should happy about that.
I am actually gleeful to know as we see these things come true, God’s return is getting closer!
The Christian who knows The Word should have been expecting this.
It should be no wonder that the world would be in complete chaos, as we now see so many of the prophecies of the Bible coming true before our own eyes!
So as they try to silence, censor and squash the Word, let us be reminded that it only brings us closer to freedom!
☆ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
• Romans 1:18
So, why do they do that?
Why has the world always wanted to silence the faithful, but elevate the sin?
Well, the owner of the world is why.
Those, who by having ‘chosen’ to refuse God, have in reality, actually accepted the assistance of satan.
Like in the time of Jeremiah, those people will be Loud and Proud of their godlessness, brag about their sinfulness, and then try to imprison those who live in faith…Just like they did to Jeremiah.
☆ In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
• 2 Corinthians 4:4
I sure am glad that’s not me, and it’s definitely not YOU too, right?
– Because. –
It is actually you and I who are to be the Loud and Proud ones!
It is you and I who are to actually reject anyone silencing, subduing or censoring of The Word.
It is you and I who are to BE The Word!
Just like Jeremiah.
☆ And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
• Mark 16:15
There is no excuse for us to NOT do what the Lord asks us to do.
And what is that?
To go out and make disciples.
Those who try to intimidate, threaten or scare us into silence are nothing for us to dread.
For we not only have God, UT He is totally on our side here.
The scripture tells us that we have been equipped by Him with the tools and weapons we need to spread the Word.
☆ For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
• 2 Timothy 1:7
But powerful is not always how we ‘feel’.
We don’t often sense the power and self control when the time to share Jesus.
What we fear at those times, we should actually turn around and in the opposite direction.
Instead of being afraid of what the reaction will be of the people we share the Word with, we should be more concerned about HIM, and the bad news we will face if we DO NOT share the Good News.
☆ And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
• Matthew 10:28
We have the great commission (commandment).
We have the power and self control to carry out that command.
We have the promise of God to keep us secure while we do it.
We have Gods rebuke if we do NOT do it.
I want to be this guy;
☆ For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
• Romans 1:16
Join me being Loud and Proud for God.
Like Jeremiah, let us not give up in spreading the Word…no matter what.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter