IN, not FOR
We are in a time where the ‘Authentic Christian‘ will now be fully revealed.
Sure, you will see and hear millions of Christians across the country praying and saying things about the seriously troubled times we are in.
But those are not the Christians I am writing about.
It will be those Christians who gives God praise for the times we are in.
It will be that Christian who will probably be less vocal, but more visibile.
As they will stand out, because they give thanks IN, not FOR, all things.
That kind of Christian is MUCH less common.
Think of it, how does a person give thanks for;
• A cancer diagnosis
• Loss of a loved one
• An auto accident
• Loss of a job
• Financial hardship
• The Current Global Violence
Because we are supposed to.
☆ We glory in our sufferings
• Romans 5:3
To glory IN, not FOR our sufferings.
What? What does that even mean?
Well, to ‘glory in‘ something, means to feel or show great joy in whatever that something is.
That message is all over the Bible.
That means it is something we are supposed to do.
But it is NOT just a ‘to do’ thing, it is a ‘to BE‘ thing.
We are to BE that person who can find the deep thanks within us, in every situation, so we can proclaim and praise God in it.
☆ Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
• James 1:3
Happiness is a by product of a person place or thing, JOY however, is a deep heartfelt personal attribute.
James writes that we are to have that personal reaction of joy when we face the problems in our lives.
The culture of the world, and too many in the church, will never understand that.
But the Christian who, does understand it, THAT CHRISTIAN is the next level Christian.
Jesus tell us that “Many are called, few are chosen.” (Matt 22:14), and one of the ways to tell the difference between the called and chosen, is in these following ways;
That during the worst of times, they are at their best.
That in the hardships, they have an obvious happiness.
That through the junk flung at them in life, they have a deep joy in their heart.
That when things are blowing up all around them, their praise of Christ, their proclamation of the Holy Spirit, and their peace in God, is so apparent that it sets this Christian apart from all the rest.
But how do they do that?
They don’t!
☆ In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
• Philippians 4:6
It is ALL GOD!
Paul re-affirms in this verse here that it is IN, not FOR, every situation we give it to GOD!
The God in us, is the joy we can have in the tribulations.
For it is only God who CAN provide that kind of joy, it is only God who CAN provide the power for us, so we are able to have GLORY in our sufferings.
God provides us the perspective to realize that HE who is in us, is bigger than anything going on around us.
So, with that realization, we can come to a place where we personally KNOW a God who is for us, because that is the only way we can have that kind of thanks IN us.
☆ That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
• 2 Corinthians 12:10
We give thanks IN, not FOR all situations, because
We have a God who is – IN – AND – FOR – us in all situations!
This is the God who will fill us with the power, glory, joy and peace so we can give it away.
THAT is our purpose, that is the great commission.
That will set us apart, that is what will make us all next level Christians,
That is what will be the light IN us, so we can be of service FOR others.
☆ Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
• Romans 12:12-13
So as the world around us is on fire, let us rest in HIM.
Let us be ‘Next Level’ Christians, who are set apart, able to walk through the narrow gate, becoming the lights and examples for others to see.
Let us realize that as we get closer to the coming of the Lord, the world will not get better.
But WE should.
Let us purpose it in our hearts to live the glory, and in the joy, that the Bible says we can…that the Bible says we Should!
But let us first remember and know, that it is only by God, in God and through God, that we can.
☆ The joy of the Lord is your strength.
• Nehemiah 8:10
That way we can live continually in authentic thanks IN, not FOR, everything…every, single, thing, that is in our lives, good or bad
And enjoy the peace that comes with that.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter