Plan Ahead
As this meme shows, sometimes people don’t Plan Ahead
It is a photo, that as a microcosm, just shows proof that;
– We live in a microwave society.
– We demand immediate attention.
– We expect to receive instantaneous answers.
– We pay more for entertainment and we want it now.
– We order the food. Then get mad if it’s NOT ready by the time we drive to the window.
This is a global issue that has been around since the beginning of time.
– Adam & Eve didn’t think first.
– Cain acted extremely impulsively.
– Esau is a perfect example of NOT counting the cost.
How well do YOU Plan Ahead?
How well do YOU think before you act?
For it is a wise man who thinks before he acts.
How does that man become wise? By learning from mistakes.
What he learns from his mistakes, becomes his knowledge.
Knowledge applied = Wisdom.
☆ All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly.
• Proverbs 13:16
– But in our culture today, who do we see more? –
Do we see the prudent, who think before they act?
~ Or ~
Do we see the fool who acts out impulsively, showing their foolishness?
The reason this topic is so important to me today, is because this WAS ME!
I did NOT Plan Ahead.
I was that guys that was so ‘ready, FIRE, aim!’ Kind of guy.
There is no way I can count how many times I embarrassed myself.
Then, after I did, said or thought something rashly, I did not take time to work it through in my mind.
But luckily, I was able to learn, and just in time.
Because now today, with the ability to share yourself, on a global level, in real time, absolutely immediately, we can see, daily, how many do NOT think before they act.
☆ Do not go out in a hurry to argue. Or what will you do in the end, when your neighbor puts you to shame?
• Proverbs 25:8
We may be long past the time where this is just embarrassing.
We are now at the time when this is a cost that can be too great of a burden.
• People lose their jobs.
• People lose their friends.
• People lose court cases.
• People lose the respect, admiration and reputations.
But sometimes, the threats of bodily harm are real too.
The responses to so many people of their knee jerk reactions are so dangerous.
After I read the following verse, it made me Plan Ahead.
It helped me to make the decision to get Ahavah Ministries OFF of social media.
Through a service we have, we can share posts, teachings, blogs, vlogs and any other media we want, but without going on any of the platforms.
We no longer scroll, read or engage in any of the conversations.
We find that prudent.
☆ The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
• Proverbs 22:3
So, how do YOU roll?
Have you found yourself reflexively snapping back?
Have you found yourself shooting from the hip, without aim?
~ Or ~
Do you realize that we need to STOP living in a state of immediate REACTION
~ But ~
Instead live a life where we let God fill us so we only live life just RESPONDING
Take the time to Plan Ahead.
So we don’t have to take the time to correct our mistakes
That takes time away from the things that are much more important
Which just proves that it wastes way more time, than the time saved by acting out.
☆ Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
• Ephesians 5:15-17
My dad taught me to take time to think about things.
To do it right the first time, so I wouldn’t waste time having to do it again.
I did not do that.
I was rash. I only reacted.
But I learned later in life…the hard way.
I finally learned that I had hurt myself and others for way too long.
By NOT stopping to Plan Ahead, I ruined friendships and damaged family.
Today, praise God, we have the ability to go to HIM.
To rest in HIM.
To stop, pray, ask, then allow God to let me know what HE wants me to do.
☆ Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you.
• Philippians 3:15
Because of the choice we can make to live in HIM…
We can PLAN AHEAD much more clearly and be IN HIS WILL.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter