No Excuse
The Israelites had no excuse. They should have all known Jesus was coming.
They had been given the exact day He would show up in a prophecy by Daniel.
So the leaders, The Sadducees and the Pharisees, who knew all those prophecies, and could recite all the scriptures, had no excuse.
Even though they have given so many reasons over thousands of years for their failure of not knowing Christ.
At some point in our lives, WE have all been told we have no excuse for something. But;
But WE, like the Israelites, have all been able to give a reason that makes sense to us about that excuse.
Excuses are like prostitutes.
They are easy to have, but they WILL always have some kind of cost to you in the end…and sometimes it is at a cost that can be too great.
Because it is a cost that can destroy or kill.
We all have been guilty of it.
But, using excuses is something that, as a Christian, can separate us from God.
Jesus talks about it in the parable about the son who wanted to bury his father
☆ “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
• Luke 9:62
Jesus also talks about it in the parable of the banquet that the invited didn’t come to.
☆ “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”
• Luke 14:27
These are the kinds of Christians that really don’t yet KNOW Christ.
Even though they would have, in a worldly sense of the matter, a legitimate, if not logical ‘reason’ for their hesitation to be with Christ…
Christ denies their excuses as being something that makes them unworthy of HIM.
Because it is obvious that deep down, God through Christ, is not important enough.
• Whatever the reason they had
• Whatever words they used
• Whatever excuse they gave
It came down to their self-based wants are always first.
But they may have an actual ‘reason’…they didn’t yet KNOW HIM.
But what about me, what about you?
Do you KNOW Christ?
Wouldn’t that make this rule even more important to us then?
Jesus said:
☆ “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.“
• John 15:22
The answer to that last question, is a big huge YES!
We HAVE spoken to God, through Christ.
The more mature in the Faith, the more we have spoken WITH God, through Christ.
And as the scripture states (in James 4:17) if we know what the right thing to do, and we don’t do it, it is sin.
And if we know we are sinning, but still do it, what kind of Christian are we?
Think about it;
• Pride
• Greed
• Porn
• Bitterness
• Self Righteousness
• Gossip
• Dishonesty
• Disrespect
• Drug & Alcohol Abuse
• Gambling
And on, and on, and on
(That’s right, if you don’t see yours on this list, you’re still included.)
We have to know that
We do not now have, or
We never in the past have had, and
We will always in the future have;
So, we will also need to be ready because we will be accountable to our useless reasons.
Remember what Jesus said:
☆ “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
• Matthew 12:36-37
• Matthew 12:36-37
The hypocrisy of our faith, is the worst example of our faith.
And the worst example of our faith, is sadly usually the loudest and most visible part of our faith.
Too many people are turned away from Christianity by the hypocritical Christian.
Who is that?
Well, it is;
– The one who condemns lustful behavior, but has lustful behavior themselves
– The one who talks about purity, but openly watches movies with graphic nudity.
– The one who praises the Lord with the same mouth they nag their spouse with.
– The one who speaks about God’s love, but condemns those they disagree with.
And then makes excuses for why it’s OK that THEY can do it.
GOD calls out that hypocrisy.
☆ Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.
• Romans 2:1
As I sit here, on my porch, on a beautiful sunny day.
As I pet my awesome cat, who sits on my lap as I write this blog.
As I listen to all the sounds of the countryside that I live in; the birds, cows, chickens and the horn of a far-off train.
As I think of my wife and kids.
As I think of you.
As I think of our friendship.
I am reminded that God created all of it.
What I hear, see and smell of the countryside.
All the families & friendships we have that is based on our love for, of and in the Lord.
I know that even though I don’t understand God Himself,
I know that I understand WHO HE is to us.
I know HE is why we exist…and
I know HE has removed all reasons for us to use, leaving us with no excuse.
I know if we try…it will be a lie.
☆The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
• Romans 1:20
The Word has spoken the truth.
And now we KNOW it.
Knowing that with God, the gig is up, it takes all the pressure off of my shoulders.
How about you?
Do YOU now live in that freedom of never having to make up an excuse (lie) for any
Behavior, or
Do you now live FREE of that thin veil of dishonesty that you have to hide behind when you have to give a reason for your sinful behavior?
Do you now see how transparent it is to see through it in other people, now that you live honestly?
Do you now know the feeling of that power of God within, through the Holy Spirit, that is only a small, teeny-tiny taste of what God has in store for us in the eternal life ahead of us?
As Jesus said;
☆ And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
• John 8:32
If you now know THAT TRUTH
If you now live in THAT LOVE
If you now want THAT ETERNAL LIFE
Then God has given you the biggest reason to live with NO EXCUSE to;
Read The Word
Pray all the time
Fellowship with others &
Worship Him with all your heart.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter