Did you ever get spanked as a kid?
If you didn’t, you’ve been or are probably getting spanked by the world today.
Did your parents exercise a discipline (that you probably hated) as a kid?
Or, did they, in their desire to not feel bad, put you in a bubble?
That today’s culture has infected the Christian community, there is no doubt.
One of the worst ways that show it has, is in how, is in the way some parents desire to not feel guilty;
They withhold discipline, because they mistake it as punishment.
We are not to do that, as a matter of fact, we are to do the exact opposite.
☆ Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.
• Proverbs 23:13-14
Now that last verse is completely against all the contemporary cultural parenting guidelines.
The possibility of that being considered child abuse, by todays standards, is very real.
However, wouldn’t you agree that as each year passes using this methodology, things have become worse?
As the sensitivity to ‘self esteem‘ has become greater, the desire ‘not hurt feelings‘ discipline has been removed.
By doing that, todays culture has put kids in a bubble.
As a result, what we are seeing is a generation of kids who are violently narcissistic.
The wisest man who ever lived, and KNEW about lousy parenting, spoke on this topic;
☆The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame
• Proverbs 29:15
I hope we as parents have in the past, are now, or will be in the future, disciplining our children like the Bible.
Sometimes that can actually be in a physical way.
In that way the child can learn what an actual, real, and painful consequence will happen when they have had the wrong thoughts, behaviors and action.
It is the best way, and in the most personal and memorable way.
They will understand a negative outcome from their negative behavior.
And if it is done correctly by the parent, the child will understand God’s love, as OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, even better.
☆ My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke. Because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
• Proverbs 3:11-12
As we can easily see, without having to even look for it, the adults today who were raised in a bubble and not disciplined as children stand out.
They are never wrong.
They are not humble.
They are totally ignorant.
They are rudely arrogant.
They are verbally abusive.
They will live a very self-absorbed way, have no self-awareness, and then tell you it’s all your fault.
☆ Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.
• Proverbs 12:1
It is never too late to go back to biblical principles, in anything, especially our children.
So, if you have had them in a bubble…POP IT!!
Stop sheltering their feelings. Let reality enter their lives. The good, AND the bad.
We need to teach and example the truth of The Word to our children.
That way they will also be taught all of the lies of the enemy.
Because that fact is that
– They WILL be exposed to the lies of the enemy. But now
– They will know how to stand for the truth.
But sometimes, that truth can hurt.
But it is better that they stand for a truth that hurts,
Than to fall for a culture that kills!
☆ See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
• Colossians 2:8
If we have our kids living in a bubble, they won’t be able to handle the real truth.
Which is to die to self.
That’s too painful, which is why too many kids fall to the cultures easier, softer way
But if we;
• Discipline our children in love, BY
• Teaching the God of love, they’ll
• Understand the God of love. So they’ll
• Live in the peace of God.
As everyone knows, when a person lives in the peace of God,
They can also find peace in the OBEDIENCE TO GOD.
☆ For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
• 1 John 5:3
The reason I wrote today’s blog, is that I have been seeing these narcissistic kids, rude and disrespectful.
Proving to me they they never go a good butt whipping!
Putting a kid in a bubble by sheltering or over protecting is NOT Biblical.
It is not Godly, so, that means
• It is not helping them
• It is not teaching them
• It is not maturing them
• it is not healthy for them
and as a matter of fact;
• It may actually be deadly for them.
And we want our children to know eternal life!
☆ Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.”
• John 8:51
So, don’t let your children, or grandchildren, live in a bubble.
– If that means you take some heat for it today, that’s fine.
– Because that’s better than the child taking the heat for it eternally!
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter