Back to school.
That used to be a time when;
(I remember it myself because it was less than 50 years go.)
All our parents were happy to send us kids off to learn the 3 R’s.
Remember when prayers and the pledge of allegiance was allowed in school? At that time, we also used to fondly call what we learned the 3 R’s?
That’s how they used to teach…simple.
But now?
Not so much.
Now it seems they are completely backwards.
The 3 R’s mean something completely different.
They want to RIP apart the family.
They want to REMOVE Christian influence.
They want to REGULATE all thoughts within a government mindset.
Which is why we, as parents, grandparents, Godfathers, and influences, need to change out tactics.
With love, and in love, we need to double down on our teaching, preaching and reaching of our children!
☆ Commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
• Deuteronomy 6:6-7
You see, the Spirit of a little child is the closest to Jesus’ heart.
As we share that message with our little children, let us remember that WE are to BE like little children.
We should be that example to our children.
A person of a child like faith, so by seeing us, they can learn how to apply their own child like faith.
We need to show them the way, point them in the direction and encourage them to walk that path.
Because that is what God TELLS us to do.
☆ Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
• Matthew 19:14
But the battle in that is great, as the spiritual war rages on.
Now that kids are back to school, we see how the public education system has ramped up its message that it wants to teach.
• Endorsement of Abortion
• Mandatory Gender Ideology
• Progressive Political Activism
• No Parental Notifications
• Contempt for Religious Faith
What the public schools have done in the past is no secret.
But now this year as they have come back to school, they have blown that out of the water.
Now they don’t just promote ungodliness, they celebrate it.
They have made it clear that they want to form our children’s perspective and morality.
They want to remove all Christ based thought and replace it with worldly ideology. ☆ But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
• Matthew 18:6
As our kids get back to school;
Let us be that loving loudspeaker of Christ for our kids to learn from.
– Let us be that patient parent (or grandparent) that teaches the passion of the Lord
– Let us be that teacher of truth to our toddlers so the Spirit of Christ lives in them.
– Let us be that combat ready coach to prepare our Children for the Spiritual war
Because they don’t know that it is a war that that they are already in.
– Let’s not shirk from that duty.
– Let’s not hide that from our children.
– Let’s not let our next generation’s eternal lives be in any jeopardy.
☆ We will not hide these truths from our children;
We will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
About his power and his mighty wonders.
• Psalm 78:4
Praise God that he has made us aware of all of this.
Praise God that we can see we are getting close to ‘that time’.
Praise God that God will give us the power and words to do HIS will.
Because as we are blessed BY HIM we can turn TO HIM.
And as we face our God in Faith, we can turn our back to school in confidence.
I love you guys.

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