It has always been the goal of Ahavah Ministries, to be an obvious and healthy example of this verse in Proverbs 27.
My wife was watching the women’s World Gymnastics competition yesterday, and as I walked by, the commentator remarked;
“the way that these girls train with each other, is the perfect example of iron sharpening iron.“
I found myself actually a bit offended by that comment.
I immediately thought ‘NO, it is not!‘
The meaning of Iron sharpening Iron means a lot more than being able help another to do jumps, flips and cartwheels better in a sporting event.
Iron sharpening iron is different, because even though one person can help another in a sport, while still not increasing their own skill, it is impossible for one tool to become sharper without the presence of the other tool also becoming sharper at the same time.
If left isolated, both blades would be dull and quite useless.
Iron sharpening Iron is not a physical axiom.
It is a critical part of the spiritual awareness, internal growth and personal knowledge of God through Jesus Christ.
It is the actual working principles of:
• Brotherhood
• Accountability
• Intimacy
• Trust
• Relationship
• Growth
• Evangelism
It is a sincere desire to selflessly be able to be truthful, in LOVE, to another, while using the power of the Holy Spirit, to build, encourage, rebuke and stand next to another through it all…NO MATTER WHAT...and be willing to receive that back at the same time.
No balance beam, parallel bar or vault will ever match the importance of that in the life of any person.
Because when you are 40, 50 or 60 years old, no one will have the refined skills to able to be a world class competitor in Gymnastics, but one CAN ALWAYS be refined to be more effective in GOD.

Tagged Happy Easter