If a person looks at their phone more than they look at their Bible, why would they be surprised at how unsettled they get?
Proverb 24 reminds us how the world wants us to drown in that hopelessness.
Now, a person may say they look at their Bible ON their phone, and though that is good, it is only a band-aid to that issue.
Because it is still the portal to what the enemy wants you to focus on;
• Politics
• Gossip
• Useless Fads
• Pornography
• Time Wasting Videos
• Worldly Music
Remember; The battered and beat up Bible, is usually owned by the man who is NOT (battered and beat up.).
Let us be examples of using the Bible.
The actual book.
Let us love the feel of carrying it, the sounds of rustling pages, and learning exactly where the scriptures are.
For that is our safety line, and can help us, to help others, from the pull of the enemy in the world.

Tagged Happy Easter