In our men’s group last night, the small talk before it started was on the movies.
Talking about the hero’s, behaviors, actions, and even the violence that our favorite movie stars use to save the world.
We Marvel over them.
As a matter of fact, some of the biggest budget movies, some of our favorite heros and some of the most popular films that people love to go see are based on the MARVEL universe.
If you are a DC fan, your time is coming, as I believe Marvel has passed it’s zenith, but as a BC/AD fan myself,
I ‘Marvel’ at He who has all the ‘real’ world saving authority.
☆ Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
• Matthew 28:18
As we have seen these characters on the screen,
As we have read about them in our comic books growing up,
As we have heard all about these stories all of our lives, and
As we have lived with it baked into the culture of our society
We may have also placed that same kind of power on God.
We may (subconsciously of course) placed a power that is
a self based, vengeful, angry, and retributive justice kind of power.
Because when (NOT IF) someone hurts us, we can find ourselves not forgiving them, not being loving to them, maybe even retaliating against them.
Maybe because that is how we are, we may believe that is how GOD will be.
A superhero with a power that is used AT or AGAINST
but NOT
A GOD who has chosen to GIVE HIS POWER to us.
☆ For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
• 2 Timothy 1:7
So, that is what our superhero did. He is our Savior.
Who has already saved, not the world, but those IN the world who are not OF the world.
Unlike those characters like Spiderman, Superman, Batman, etc…
Instead of using HIS power to save the day, and then move on,
God has honored us by sharing HIS power.
– He has given us access to the same power that raised Lazarus from the grave.
– He has given us access to the same power that parted the red sea.
– He has given us access to the same power that knows the beginning from the end.
– He has given us access to the same power that Jesus had as HE walked on the earth!
☆ His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
• 2 Peter 1:3
It is easy to Marvel at Gods power.
How many times has God,
doing what God does,
being who God is,
doing His God kind of thing,
miraculously done something in your life that you knew only God could have done?
You were amazed, right?
We seem to always be amazed by God just being God.
We are blown away by Him just doing what He had already promised would do.
Then put on top of that, we are also told to example God.
Do people get blown away by YOU just being YOU?
Do people Marvel at your life and what you do?
Because we can, and should.
Because we have all that power, in us, that can live a life that would
MARVEL, those who see us.
☆ But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
• Matthew 19:26
Let us live with the power of the greatest superhero.
Let us live with the love of the greatest superhero.
Let us live with the ability to marvel those who see us
Like our own personal superhero…GOD!
I love you guys.

Tagged Happy Easter