Comic Book Hero
Why is it that people can often think of God like this comic book hero from back in the 1940’s?
In our minds, we can have an image of a ‘terminator’ or ‘Rambo’ type of character.
One who is pissed off at the bad guys who sin against him?
Maybe that is because we know He WILL come back with a righteous judgement in the future, a deadly verdict of guilty for so many…
But with that thought, we may also fear that kind of judgement condemning us specifically because of our personal sin we have TODAY.
When of if we ever think of God in that kind of a ‘Comic Book Hero’ manner, I believe so strongly that we have HIS character wrong.
☆ God himself, fully divine and fully human in the person of his Son, humbled himself.
• Philippians 2:8
Remember, we are supposed to be Godly, Christ like.
I think that is why
James & Peter BOTH
were actually quoting Psalm 138:6
When they said;
☆ “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
• James 4:6 & 1 Peter 5:5-6
Now while it is so fun (And actually, maybe a bit comforting.), to think of our God being that bad ass and hero like kind of guy, but when we DO, at that same time, it can make us a victim of that kind of ‘vengeful retaliation’ mindset that is incorrect.
That is not the thought of God, who has unconditional love.
Who wants us ALL to repent and come to know HIM.
It is a mindset of the enemy, because that is a mindset of punishment, that can only come from a ‘conditional love’ that the liar uses on us all the time.
We need to have the mindset of our true God.
That is a must if we are who we say we are as men is Christ.
So let us remember that God is not a comic book hero, but HE is a:
A Polite Protector
A Courteous Champion
A Selfless Savior
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter