Garbage In – Garbage Out – Part 2
So yesterday we talked about GIGO (Garbage in, Garbage Out) and how easy it is to pass it on, or catch it, like a disease.
We spoke about just a few specific ways that people can catch that DIS-EASE
(Movies, television, music and social media).
To continue that conversation, I am confident that you know that there are so many other ways to catch GIGO.
Of course the most popular way today to receive it by ourselves, is through our phones.
And, like we saw yesterday, the movies, concerts, TV, radio & Social Media are ways to individually catch it.
And as we think of impurity, of what kind of garbage that is, usually PORN is the first thing that comes to mind.
But sadly, we do not realize that GIGO is a communicable disease.
It is a social disease we can catch from each other!
So easily, and again, so gradually, it infects the person so they won’t even realize it, and it can become the worst case of GIGO anyone can have.
Worse, because it is NOT something we see like porn or violence, but it is a sin nature within, a disease like cancer that unseen when it is caught and growing.
Why? Because it is our original sin nature, and THAT is a self based, self centered, and self righteous lifestyle that is NOT of GOD.
☆ Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires
• Ephesians 4:22
So, even though a person confesses with the mouth, and believes that Christ died and was resurrected, that ‘knowledge’ alone doesn’t save them (even the demons believe that and are not going to heaven.).
For as the statement says:
“You might be able to take the person out of Egypt, but you might not be able to take the Egypt out of the person.”
So it is with many people who call themselves Christians, yet still have the worldly lifestyles.
Behaviors that we all know we should not do, but still do:
• Lust
• Unforgiveness
• Bitterness
• Dishonesty
• Greed
• Pride
• Self-righteousness
Be honest:
We KNOW when we feel lust.
We KNOW when we do not forgive.
We KNOW when we lie.
But if we know, and still do it…are we REALLY the Christian we say we are?
☆ So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
• James 4:17
GIGO causes blindness to the self based lifestyle that one leads.
GIGO causes, over time, a way to justify behavior, that is dangerous to our eternal life.
Just like the chains of bondage that lock up a person as a prisoner to the device they use for PONOGRAPHY, So are the chains of selfishness that create a hostage of a person from their own narcissism that they will not even recognize,
but are very quick to condemn others with.
This is dangerous, deadly and is can be depressing, as I know too many people like thiswho think they are good to go with Christ and heaven, because they go to church every week, take notes, know the right words, and are active in the fellowship.
But they are NOT close to GOD.
They don’t really KNOW HIM.
They just want to live the way they want to live (In sin).
☆ For the wages of sin For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
• Romans 6:23
So, when we DO confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts, the change in us should be OBVIOUS!
We should be, out of our love for our Lord, seeking to KNOW HIM more.
That will force, without our even needing to put effort into it, a character change in us.
We will choose to be
• Pure
• Forgiving
• Compassionate
• Truthful
• Charitable
• Meek
• Humble
If we sincerely desire to know HIM, and study The Word, without even trying, we will choose to build up a character of completely opposite traits we once had.
☆ So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
• 2 Timothy 2:22
So, seeking purity is NOT just about removing porn.
It’s about cleansing the character of the person in a world that is impure.
And instead of being chained to the impurity of the character of the world,
Let us be driven by HISlove to continue our walk toward the Image Of Christ.
Let us not allow GIGO to stain us, and fill us with the disease of the world.
Let us
look to HIM to cleanse us,
Look to HIM to purify us,
Look to HIM to bring us closer.
☆ “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
• Matthew 5:8
Because, it is NOT all about us…
It’s all about HIM!
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter