Directed Evolution; Everyone heard of it?
If you have, what do you think of it?
If you have not, what do you think it is?
Well, here is the academic definition of it:
Directed evolution is a method used in protein engineering that mimics the process of natural selection to steer proteins or nucleic acids toward a user-defined goal.
Simply said; It is Man Made Genetic Engineering.
It is creating ways to have a human body duplicate and grow it’s human Genome system (DNA).
Done in a precise way that some 3rd party person has chosen, so it will have a specific outcome that the 3rd party wants within that human body’s cells.
It’s using tissues, and amino acids that are science lab created.
It is being applied today with the explanation that it is to cure disease.
It has been created to help.
Heck, that is what the Covid vaccine is.
It is an mRNA composition, and all that is created for is to manipulate the human body DNA.
The vaccine was created to help.
But let’s be real;
In the LONG RUN, it is a man made seed, meant to start genetic mutations and new elements into the human body that God never intended.
☆ But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.
• 1 Corinthians 15:38
But this seed is NOT created by GOD, it’s manufactured by man.
And in this made seed, is really some Programmable Metal/Semiconductor Nanostructures for mRNA-Modulated Molecular Delivery.
Simply said;
It is Biotechnology applied by the best, so it can BE UTILIZED at its worst!
When programmable technology, in the Nano particle format, is put into a serum, that is then injected into a human…what could go wrong?
When a metal programmable Nano particle is injected into a body, that lives in a world that has already embraced the surveillance society…then add to that.
6G (Coming very soon),
A.I. (Just got here here), and the
W.E.F. (Who have been actually saying for a while that humans are on the verge of merging with machines; Which is called Synchronicity);
This is man – creating a new kind of man – through the shaping a new ‘evolving’ human race, via adding new elements into the Human Genome DNA strand that can then be passed down.
Basically creating a new seed.
☆ “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material
• Leviticus 19:19
However we know that God does not honor those man made genetic changes.
We know that God does not want us to infuse man made genetics to grow alongside HIS divinely created natural cells.
- The global push to genetically change our physical appearances
- The global push to genetically change our sexuality
- The global push to genetically change our kids genders & identities
The attempt to humanly create change in man’s image, will not last long. The desires to evolve man, as the world would see fit, will fail.
When these changes or creations are NOT of GOD, they WILL be dealt with severely!
☆ Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.
• Matthew 15:13
Remember why and how miraculously GOD made us;
Why? To worship HIM! To be in a loving eternal relationship with HIM!
How? Perfectly. By using all of our biological systems working in harmony with each other, in a way that only HE could have created from scratch.
Now consider how and why MAN invents.
How? Sometimes too quickly, so it is already too late to change, once the negative consequences have been revealed
Why? Selfishness. Money, power, control, ease, security, fame.
How many successful global inventions have we ever heard of that were created for charity, for philanthropic reasons, or just for others?
None…And God shows us the how and the why of that, by describing to us in the Word the actual WHAT it was that HE was doing.
☆ For BY HIM all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—ALL THINGS were created through him and FOR HIM.
• Colossians 1:16
HE created us in HIS image, to live eternally with HIM, and FOR HIM.
HE desires to have an intimate relationship with US.
HE wants us to choose HIM
We are not produced by some engineer at Moderna.
Even though it seems like we are in the Matrix, we have not been manufactured in any lab.
Our maker is not some ‘mad scientist’.
We have been created by our Loving Father in Heaven, our God Almighty.
So, let us remember that HE made us
- Individually,
- Specifically
- Purposefully and
- Lovingly
☆ For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
• Psalm 139:13
Keep watch Christian.
The ‘Directed Evolution’ is happening, and if it doesn’t knock on your door, it will with someone you know or love…asking to inject their ‘safety protocol’, or ‘life saving drug’, or just a plain old ‘vaccine’…but it is only for your good!
Praise God!
I love you guys.

Tagged Happy Easter