Proverb 8 talks about something that us men can have the biggest problem with:
Listening & Waiting!
However, we are a culture who like to fix stuff. We have become used to fixing stuff. We have life toolbelts for fixing stuff.
We may not know how to use the tools, but we have access to them.
But Proverb 8 hits a hard point: Be still.
To Listen, means to be quiet.
To Wait, means to take no action.
But this is not easy in todays world that demands
Immediate results,
Happiness at once, and
Comfort right now.
The Lord is clear when He says that we are to hush up, open our ears, then find our peace, path and purpose.
For when we do, we will be able to move forward (Through the Door) into the next chapter, and we will be blessed (Find Favor).
Let’s be silent, stand firm, then live out loud the life He’s given us.
I love you guys!