Verse 23 in Proverb 29 is the complete antithesis of todays culture.
It is entirely alien to the powerful and popular people of the world today.
But who else could be more radically opposite to the world, but CHRIST?
We now have a national mindset where being ‘Loud and Proud’ is not only welcomed, but celebrated.
- Those who work to get the most attention,
- Those who always seem to make the news,
- Those who are the infamous for nothing they’ve done,
- Those who are the notorious for everything they do, – &
- Those who just keep visible to just bask in the celebrity
They will never understand Proverb 29 and the POWER that comes in the quiet, stillness, and humility of GOD!
Think about it;
What was your first thought when you heard the statement; ‘When I am weak, then I am strong’?
How long did it take for you to understand that power?
Have you really come to a place where you even really KNOW that power that comes from your weakness?
Pride, or just say it plainly, SELF – brings a person low.
Dying to self, living for HIM, in humility, not only gains us honor, but it also provides;
- Integrity,
- Assurance,
- Compassion,
- Power,
- Peace, and above all
And in all that, comes a hope that power, property, prestige, and pride will NEVER give.
So let us all live like Proverb 29, lowly in spirit, dead to self, because we live for GOD!
I love you guys!