Proverb 27:3 reminds us so much about selfish pride.
It reminds us that only a fool will live with the grudge that the enemy will use to separate us from God!
There is a wise statement:
The first state of a resentment, is an EXPECTATION.
When we put any expectations on people, places and things around us, we are setting ourselves up for
- Disappointment at best, but
- Anger at worst
And…That is NOT Godly.
We are to have our hope in HIM alone (Psalm 62:5)
But if we put that kind of hope in
- A person be the way we want
- A place to be the way we want
- A thing to be the way we want
We will eventually fail, as we are putting our expectations into imperfect people, places or things, instead of a perfect GOD who promises to never leave us or forsake us!
Resentments or grudges are not of God. So, that would mean they are of the flesh, of the world, and of the enemy.
Which also means they are anywhere and everywhere. Even in the church.
They used to be in me a lot, are they in you?
No one ‘wants’ to be a fool, and no one ‘wants’ to have a resentment.
However, selfish pride will always find, exploit, and drive that behavior out from within our sin nature , if we have not died to self.
Because the ONLY time we are upset at anyone else, is when we are thinking of ourselves.
- Let us lighten our loads, let us stop carrying a grudge.
- Let us walk with greater ease, let us let go of all resentments.
- Let us not live as a fool in our selfishness, but let is be wise as we die to self.
We can only do that, if we surrender it all to GOD.
I love you guys!