India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi once said; “You cant shake hands with a closed fist.”
And though that may be true, Proverbs 25:21-22 goes way further than that.
Jesus is telling us how we should love our enemies.
Jesus is also telling us how God will bless us when we do.
But Jesus is NOT telling us about how completely opposite that behavior is in our worldly culture.
But, so what?
He isn’t ‘asking’ us to do this…HE is a commanding us to.
If we say we really love God, through Jesus, we are to obey his commands. (John 14:15)
So, this is an example where we are to pick up our cross daily to follow HIM, and do what everyone knows is against our nature: LOVE those who we don’t want to.
THIS is the test to see who is really is the person of Christ, or if they are just a person who ‘says’ they are of Christ.
Where are YOU on this?
Do you really love your enemy?
I love you guys!