There is a great saying that says: You can’t learn anything when you are the one who talking.
Proverbs 24:7 seems to confirm that. It seems to tell us is that the way to become wise, is to shut up!
Today we have a Christian culture that is great at praying, beseeching, and yearning for GOD.
But they are fools, as they can’t keep their big mouths shut.
And, as a recovering fool, I know this to be true, because I had the biggest mouth of all!
But rare is the Christian who;
- Listens for God, who
- Stops all else, & who is
- Quiet and Calm
So they can “Be Still and Know.”
That is where the real wisdom is created.
But that is where that real relationship with God is created.
Sadly, not opening our mouths is very hard (I know, I have the BIGGEST mouth!), and listening more than speaking is a very difficult discipline to master.
But Christian, that is exactly what the Lord calls us to do.
He desires us to have HIS wisdom, to be still and KNOW HIM.
So, let us
- Sit in Peace,
- Rest in Tranquility
- Listen to the Wisdom
That only God will provide you.
I love you guys!