Proverb23:4-5 is as honest of a proverb as it is depressing!
This is about the strong faith in finances that so many Christians have.
Why is it most Christians have more faith in a piece of paper that promises cash if taken into a building called a bank;
Than we have faith in the pages of the Word of God that promises us unlimited wealth that HE possesses?
When one thinks of having a lot of Money, most think of:
- Power
- Travel
- Luxury
- Influence
- Security
- Comfort
But most times we are NOT thinking of:
- Sin
- Greed
- Dishonesty
- Control
- Selfishness
- Violence
Which we should know, as the Bible tells us, that evil is what the love of money is the ROOT of.
Today’s culture promotes and celebrates those who are successful at acquiring and amassing wealth, property, power and influence.
Let us remember, that this wealth and earthly success is fleeting, that in a moment, it can all be gone!
– If our goals are only for today, we will only be disappointed.
– If our goals are for the eternal, we will always be filled with hope…
and against hope there is NO shame, as Gods love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5)
So instead of striving to live for the success of financial rewards and comfort,
Let us all live in the desire for that kind of wealth and comfort that only the power Gods Holy Spirit can provide.
I love you guys!