Proverb 21;23 may be just the hardest thing for a Christian to do.

When you were young, did your parent (Probably, like me, your mother, as this is a total Mom’s saying.) ever tell you:

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!” 

Did you ever hear that?

Well Christian, that is a true statement, but one in which the person saying it, rarely ever follows it either.

Because we live in a society today where almost

  • everyone always needs
  • everyone else to know
  • everything they think,
  • every single time they think it!

 But the thing is…NO WE DON’T!

Better than my moms saying, is the one I learned a few years later:

When the time comes you have nothing to say,

That is the time when it’s better to say nothing at all.

In the current trend down the road of narcissism that this culture is now hurling itself, 

Someone zipping up their pie hole is probably something that they rarely, if at all, think of.

The need to speak out is so much more important than the need to listen and hear.

But those most successful in their lives, are those who;

  • open themselves up, 
  • are in tune with GOD,
  • welcome the burden of others, &
  • stop, are still and purposefully hear.

That is what GOD says in this proverb.

What do YOU say?

I love you guys!