Proverb 20 reminds us of God’s Wrath.
When we think of Gods wrath, that image of the roaring lion is often used. But when we think of the people who ‘deserve’ Gods righteous anger, images of:
- Pedophiles
- Rapists
- Murderers
We think of those people who have physically hurt others, especially children, for their own wants, needs and desires.
- What about the person who says they are a Christian but does not obey?
- What about the person who says they are a Christian but does not surrender to Gods authority?
- What about the person who says they are a Christian and knows what to do, but does not do it?
Does God still feel anger or wrath for that Christian (If they really ARE a Christian.)?
Just because they are not the big huge major crimes we first think of when we think of those who sin against God;
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Just because HIS wrath and anger to us may not be seen in the images of roaring lions or lightning bolts from heaven;
How willing are you to take that chance if it forfeits your life?
- Let us live for HIM, not for self.
- Let us obey HIS commands, not the culture of the World.
- Let us do what HE has taught us is right
Even if that means;
- Forgiving those we don’t want to forgive
- Respecting others from our Godly heart, not because of their works or speech
- Thinking of others above ourselves
Because Christ says to
- To love GOD, and our neighbor, as HE commands.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter