The Big Pill
– There is a movie by Lawrence Kasdan called ‘The Big Chill.
– There is a movie by Steven Soderbergh called ‘The Bitter Pill’
– There is a blog today by Rob Wolcott, called a The Big Pill.
It is about a big, bitter, and too often, unwanted pill that
too many Christians can not (or will not) swallow.
Sure, most say they CAN swallow it, or believe they HAVE already!
But it’s so easy, and takes very little time to tell that they really haven’t.
I know.
I was one of them.
For years, I actually thought I had swallowed it, way before I even knew what the pill really was.
But I was, as we can see with so many Christians today;
– Someone who was reading the verses,
– Someone was being taught the verses – and
– Someone who was able to know the verses.
But since I did not swallow that pill, I was:
– Someone who did not live out the verses.
Because I was living for myself.
☆ For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption
• Galatians 6:8
In my self based lifestyle, I was unable to see how selfish I was being.
I was just doing what felt ‘right’ (good) to me.
I was so confident, assured and spoke with authority about my faith;
I was an expert of so much I honestly knew nothing about.
My comfort, my needs, my desires, and my goals were most important.
And that blocked me from having that close, intimate relationship with God, through Christ.
I knew about Christ, but was not IN Christ.
I believed I was not OF this world, but did not realize my self- centeredness kept me IN it.
The Big Pill was too much for me to even recognize, let alone swallow.
☆ Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
• 1 John 2:16
But there was something in my gut that told me there was more.
I saw people who looked, spoke and testified about their ‘personal relationship’ with Christ.
Just by looking and listening, I believed them.
They had this peace that they told me that EVEN THEY didn’t understand.
They had answers, and explanations to issues and problems that made sense.
What they had was appealing and I asked them what it was they did to get it.
They each said the same thing: ‘I died to self, and I started living for God’.
☆ And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselvesbut for HIMwho died for them and was raised again.
• 2 Corinthians 5:15
These people had swallowed The Big Pill.
At first, I thought they swallowed their pride.
But NO!
I learned quickly that the Big Pill is
Just swallowing pride, can still give a person heart burn, as it is just pushing bad behavior down, not removing it or replacing anything.
But THE BIG PILL is some of the best medicine a person can take. It heals so many wounds, covers up so many scars, and brushes out blemishes of our character from the inside out. It can make us a better looking, better sounding and much nicer character of a person.
These people told me that it really wasn’t until they died to self, and lived by The Word, that they knew their life was really saved…eternally
☆ For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.
• Mark 8:35
“Great!” I said. “I want that! How do I do that?”
“You can’t.” They said.
“Well, how did YOU do it?” I asked, very confused now.
“We didn’t!” They said.
“What?” I was totally lost now!
“GOD DID IT!” Was their reply.
AHA Moment!
I then realized that I had been doing, on my own power (By my flesh), everything I could do to ‘be a better Christian’, as I knew it.
I understood then why I had always wondered ignorantly, jealously, and sometimes angrily, why my relationship with God was not like those people I admired and knew had a ‘REAL’ relationship with GOD.
– I needed to surrender completely.
– I needed to Let Go, and Let GOD.
– I needed to believe HIS power would do it.
☆ For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirityou put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
• Romans 8:13
I have been dying to self ever since.
I am finding how layer upon layer of it goes deep.
I realize how much the enemy will do to stop me.
But I am no longer alone in this process.
I am doing this with GOD.
As I become closer, and know HIM more, I know myself more.
That self awareness helps keep me grounded, so humility can live in my life.
I am a human BECOMING, not a human being,
I know I died to the world, so that I can live with Christ.
☆ And since we died with Christ, we know we will also live with HIM.
• Romans 6:8
The Big Pill…well…it’s really HUGE!
But with Christ, it will go down smoothly, and give you eternal life.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter