Comfort over Character – Part 3
If a person is more concerned about their comfort than their character, then
It is likely that person had never been taught the ability to account.
If that person has no accountability, that person is probably not God centered.
If that person is not God centered, they are what I like to call “The Opera Singer”
Always singing; ME ME ME ME!
The core for today’s worldly culture is one that is completely ‘SELF’ based.
Self based lifestyles are turbulent all by themselves, but when many of those self based people all congregate, we see the riots, terrorism, violence and anger and total dishonesty that are ruling this country today.
☆ For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
• James 3:16
So, let’s understand that as we see society going over the cliff right now, and the fury that is raging in so many people groups;
Let us individualize it.
Let us remember that we, as Christians, can fall prey to this unrighteous selfishness as well.
Let’s make this personal.
If the person ‘who call themselves’ a Christian is also one who seeks their comfort over character, and has no accountability;
They may be easily be recognized as that selfish opera singer by the way they can be heard always singing out the words: ME ME ME ME!
And that is critically dangerous.
☆But for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.
• Romans 2:8
We may see those people sitting with us in church, at our work, in our families, or even if we are completely HONEST…
In the mirror!
For others, we need to be loving and kind, but yet totally honest in rebuking that character trait if we see that in our fellow Christian.
We need to example Christ.
We need to example self-less-ness.
We need to remember how we are to esteem others more in our lives.
For us,
We need to stop being that opera singer!
We need to die to self.
We need to show Christ’s love by thinking of others first.
☆ Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
• Acts 10:35
When we do this, we can surrender to God, and HIS power so much easier.
We can be at a peace that can only come from letting go of the need for control.
We can have a freedom because pride, arrogance and conceit has been removed.
We will be able to do this, because we will have this new man…this new character…this new way of being.
That character trait, when really lived, is the most rewarding, as it gives the most back.
It is a way to live as God’s Word says to.
Instead of living for ME ME ME ME!
The joy is in living for HIM (which also really means, for others.)!
☆ Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
• Philippians 2:3
Living like that brings a closeness to God.
That humility brings an intimacy with God, through Christ, that prepares us for eternity.
When we live dead to self, sincerely with a humble heart, in Christ,
It makes God very pleased.
When we please God, live in HIS will, obey His Word, we are blessed even more by God.
How can I be so bold to say that? How can I know that?
Because He said so HIMSELF!
☆ For the Lord takes pleasure in HIS people; HE adorns the humble with salvation.
• Psalm 149:4
The opposite of self-centered is humble.
The opposite of being prideful is humility.
It is the exact opposite of our natural state, and the extreme enemy of todays culture.
But it is the Will for us to live in God’s heart, and the way to receive the promise of God eternity.
It will be that character we must all, as Christians, strive to live in, as that is where our God will be able to raise us up as we live today.
☆ He who humbles himself will be exalted.
• Luke 14:11
Look in the mirror, see who you really are, honestly.
Do you put more attention on increasing your comfort or your character?
Do you have the sincere ability to account for your actions…really taking ownership and admitting when wrong?
Do you say ME ME ME ME a lot?
Do you look out to get and do for yourself more than you get or do for others?
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter