Deadly Weapon
So many Christians can be so 2 faced.
I know, as a young believer, I was guilty of it.
How I spoke in public to friends, or acquaintances was NOT
The same way I was speaking to any of the people in my home.
My mouth was a deadly weapon.
Search yourself, be honest…sincerely honest.
Do you have a problem with some of the words, or the ways that you speak the words?
My fellow Christian, this is a sore area for all of us, so for the rest of this blog, I will be saying ‘we’ because I totally include myself in this challenge!
For if we say we really love Christ does our speech show it?
Because our speech really, in truth, uncovers where our hearts really are!
☆ If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.
• James 1:26
– Say we go to church, every Sunday.
– Say we go to Bible study, ever Wednesday.
– Say we read the Bible every single day.
Well woop dee doo!
That’s great stuff we are taking in, but it is irrelevant if it is not applied.
It doesn’t matter how much we know about the scriptures, if we don’t live out the scriptures.
Jesus had to deal with those whose mouths were a deadly weapon too!
That was what Jesus was speaking about when he chastised those that were more about the ritual, than the relationship.
☆ “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”
• Matthew 15:11
The way God spells it out, is that;
– We can go to church daily,
– We can only have Christian friends
– We can study the Bible daily,
– We can know all about Christ and His activities,
We can do all of that:
But still be on the hook for condemnation by God, if we are still speaking harshly, incorrectly to others or do not live out the heart of God.
Our mouths can be more of a deadly weapon to ourselves, than it is to others.
☆ I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
• Matthew 12:36
So, what do we do?
How do we fix it?
How do we change it?
That’s just it…WE CAN’T!
We need to turn in our deadly weapon.
We need to turn this over to God.
We need to realize where we are wrong here,
We need to have the heart to want to stop.
We need to surrender that heart completely over to GOD.
Ask HIM to change us.
☆ Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!
• Psalm 141:3
Then we keep our minds on changing the ‘reactions’ into ‘responses’.
Instead of knee jerk reactions to things, which cause words we never should say, in ways we should never say them;
We stop, think, then go to God first, before we speak or act out.
Instead of words or actions based on ‘self’, we can base them on ‘LOVE’.
☆ Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ
• Ephesians 4:15
If the situation is bad and we need to speak into it;
If our hearts are right, then our words will be also.
If our spirit is at peace, then our communication will be peaceful.
It is what I like to call;
The ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ approach.
We Stop; Before we react, speak, or do anything.
We Drop; To our knees (In our Spirits) in submission to God
We Roll; Away from ourselves, into the mind of Christ
Then we are able to put out the fire of whatever the conflict is,
Stay within the coolness of HIS Mercy, Grace and Love and will
Come closer to God, as we pause, & go to HIM, before we act foolishly.
☆ Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
• Proverbs 17:27
No matter what anyone in the world says;
We ARE in control of our choices.
We can speak kindly, in any situation, bad or worse, when we are in God
– Or –
We can speak bitterly or rudely because we are all about being self centered.
Either way, there will be a day where we WILL account for every single word.
We will also have to answer for the heart of where all of those the words bloomed from.
The choice is ours.
☆ Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
• Proverbs 18:21
I choose life.
Join me.
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter