Comfort Over Character
We all know that we are born into the human nature of sin.
We all know that our world and culture is the nature of sin.
We all know that it takes more work to be righteous, than to live in our natural state of the sin of the flesh, and the pride of life.
However, that is a work that can be too difficult, and unpleasent of a change.
Sadly, too many Christians are choosing their comfort over character.
But we are NOT supposed to.
☆ As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.
• Ephesians 2:1
Too many Christians today ARE dead – still – in their transgressions.
They probably don’t even realize it, as the essence of the fleshly way they live just ‘feels’ right.
They still have a life of the culture that is the pride of their life…which is man’s natural way of being.
There has been no real death to self, no real repentance of their worldly nature.
They can easily see the wrongs in everyone else, but they can’t see the sin in themselves, or if they do, they will never admit it.
Because that is uncomfortable.
And we know, for them it’s comfort over character.
They may not realize that the way they live is so much worse than they know.
They may not realize their sin, even if barely noticeable, is still great sin…and
That they are actually living in ways that God Hates!
☆ There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
– arrogant eyes,
– a lying tongue,
– hands that shed innocent blood,
– a heart that devises wicked plans,
– feet that make haste to run to evil,
– a false witness who breathes out lies,
– one who sows discord among others
• Proverbs 6:16-19
Lying, gossiping, hard hearts, false testimonies, trying to seperate people rather than bringing them together.
God tells us that any of those things even on a small scale, is the same as if it is done wide open!
I remember writing this funny statement about Narcissism the other day;
The reason the narcissist doesn’t know he/she is a narcissist, is because they’re a narcissist!
Well, it is the exact same for the Christian who has not thrown off ALL that old life of the flesh or that pride in their life.
One can often hear them call out other people for their faults, but if, like a vampire, they look in the mirror at themselves:
They will not see anything, admit anything, or be accountable for anything.
No sin, no sorrow, no repentance.
And that is deadly!
☆ Because you are not sorry for your sins and will not turn from them, you will be punished even more on the day of God’s anger. God will be right in saying you are guilty.
• Romans 2:5
But that is NOT what God wants.
HE wants us to be set apart,
HE wants us to work at changing.
HE does not want us to remain in a place where it is more important to strengthen our comfort over character.
HE wishes for us all to repent.
Go the opposite way.
It is always difficult at first.
It is not in our nature.
It may make others in our life angry.
It may lose friends or cause family turn away from us.
It is very uncomfortable to change the nature of sin in us.
It is also very hard to deal with the nasty reactions and/or difficult hardships by the people and places around us as we change.
It doesn’t matter…because it’s about
☆ For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.
• Ezekiel 18:32
So, when:
– We turn, then
– We repent, then
– We surrender, then
– We accept, then
– We receive!
We receive the help from God.
We receive the power from God
We receive the abilities from God
We recieve the peace from God
So we can go through it all WITH GOD.
And have joy in the closeness with HIM, because we have died to self.
☆ We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
• Romans 5:3-5
We will no longer choose comfort over character, because we know that leads to death.
We will no longer fear the negative reactions of other people and places, because we have chosen to turn, repent, die to self and live for God.
We will find ourselves esteeming others more.
We will find ourselves more at peace, in joy and with God.
Because through it, we have refined ourselves, purifying us for heaven.
☆ Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
• James 1:12
And that is the Character that will provide us Eternal Comfort!
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter