Ability to Account
Comfort over Character Part 2
Remember it?
What a huge weight our nation is feeling today from the loss of that character trait.
But what we DO see today is;
Adults blaming everything and everyone else for their mistakes or wrongs.
So, that is what we see our kids learning to do from their very start.
How can they have any accountability, when they’ve never correctly learned the ability to account for their actions?
Like me, the first impressions that may come to your mind when you think of no accountability is;
The blatant violence,
The drug use,
The unplanned pregnancies
The Sexual Identity Demands
The social justice anger
But let us drill down further into the violent, lustful, hedonistic identity terrorist, LGBTQi+ mafia & social justice warriors;
This blog is NOT just about their actions, because it starts with how they even just speak to people they disagree with!
☆ “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
• Matthew 12:36
You see that Christian, I know. So do I. We ALL can.
We can always so easily see it in others outside ourselves.
But what about ourselves? Just how pure are we? Do we see it in us?
Do we ever use words that do not example the love of the Lord?
Do we ever speak in anger, self righteousness, pride or arrogance?
I would bet big bucks you do. I know I have been guilty of it.
Do you have the ability to account for it?
Because if you don’t have the ability to KNOW IT, how could you ever be able to even SEE IT?
Because if you ARE accountable, you would recognize this is NOT a word or speaking issue,
which we will, at some point, some day, ALL account for,
but it is a heart issue, which is from our flesh, and not from the Holy Spirit of God, which should be filling our hearts.
☆ For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery
• Mark 7:21
So, do you have an accountability partner?
Because if you really DO have the ability to account for yourself, you’ll need one.
Grab that closed mouthed friend.
Open up and tell the truth.
Let them know about your words of anger, pride, self righteousness.
Come clean about your actions, thought and behaviors that do not example Christ.
That is what we need, and
That what The Word tells us we should WANT
Because if we have that in our lives, it will purify us, starting at the heart, from the inside out.
☆ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
• 1 John 1:9
Quite often the pain of our sin, which gets stuffed way down and ignored, can cause us to look in the mirror and not like what we see in ourselves.
The ‘if you only knew‘ analogy.
I had, in the past, often told myself;
“If they were to know me, like I know me, they sure would not want to know me”!
But the thing is…GOD DOES KNOW ME! AND YOU TOO!!
So, if we have;
1. The ability to account, then
2. Made ourselves accountable, then
3. Confessed our sin, then
4. Surrender it all to God;
We can be assured that it (our sin) will all be released,
The burden on our souls will be removed, and
We can then be emptied of all of the anger, pride and self righteousness.
☆ There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
• Romans 8:1-2
The point of this blog today, coming on the heels of yesterday’s blog, is simple;
If we ‘really’ care about our character over our comfort;
• Let us actively keep learning to exercise the ability to account.
• Let us actively strive to be always be accountable.
• Let us actively have that partner we can always confess our sins to.
• Let us actively REPENT, and continue to ask God for forgiveness
• Let us continually put off the fleshly sins of pride, self-righteousness, and anger.
That way, we can accept the gift of God that HE has for us which is FREEDOM!
And that my fellow Christian, is the glory we seek here on earth!
☆ So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
• John 8:36
Praise GOD!
I love you guys!

Tagged Happy Easter