Prosperity Message
If you are anything like me, there have been times in your life where you had serious concerns about having your needs met.
Even though I believed in God, believed in God’s power, I just didn’t believe in my worthiness to receive God help in my emergency.
I believed in a prosperity message, but just not a prosperity message for me.
But this is nothing new, and I know I am not alone.
Since the beginning, even though we have the proof all around us,
We have been a people who have a base nature that make us not able to believe that God will help us.
☆ And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them?
• Numbers 14:11
Faith can be so weird to grasp sometimes.
Like how amazed and moved we get when we see something that we know only God could have done.
But why would we?
God is just being God.
God can do anything.
So, why would we be so astonished when we see God…just being God?
But on the other side of that same coin, we also know that even though God can do everything, some times we believe that God WON’T do anything…for me.
We usually don’t give ourselves a prosperity message,
We give ourselves the
‘If it is to be, it is up to me’
Then we rely on our own strength, which we know is finite, and imperfect.
Which means at best we will be concerned, at worst in paralyzed fear, but most likely, we will worry.
But we are told we should not do that.
☆ Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.
• Matthew 6:25
Late Middle English: from Old French prospereus, from Latin prosperus ‘doing well’.
When people think of prosperity, or doing well, they usually think of money.
However, that is only one facet of prosperity, but there are so many more.
Doing well with;
– Faith
– Family
– Health
– Friendships
– Ministry
– Work
So even though we have been bombarded over the years with that silly
‘HEALTH & WEALTH’ – Prosperity Message
That many misguided, and some outright flim-flam artists preach,
The mature Christian will know that God is not a spiritual slot machine
God isn’t a (as my pastor calls Him) a
‘Name it & Claim it! Blab it & Grab it!’
Kind of deity,
He is a ‘Have faith in ME’ kind of God. He tells us that when we fear provision;
☆ When I am afraid, I put my trust in you
• Psalm 56:3
Our relationship with our Lord has been designed by HIM.
HE tells us that if we have chosen HIM,
That is because we have already been chosen BY HIM.
– If we have sincerely chosen HIM, we will have then sincerely surrendered TO HIM.
– If we have sincerely surrendered TO HIM, we will have a heart to rely IN HIM.
– If we have sincerely relied IN HIM, we will be empowered BY HIM.
– If we have sincerely been empowered BY HIM, we will be bearing fruit FROM HIM.
THAT is the purest Prosperity Message ever!
When we are in that kind of closeness with GOD,
Showing a fruitful life of GOD,
Then we will be seeking the will of GOD,
Because that is the DESIRE OF GOD.
That is why we can ask what we want, and EXPECT to get it.
That is a promise HE made.
That is GODS WILL.
☆ You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
• John 15:16
Let us not concern ourselves with IF God will provide,
Let us live in the expectation of HOW GOD will provide.
Because He has given us the REAL Prosperity Message!
I love you guys!