Over The Cliff
I have heard it said;
‘Outside of the work we have to do to provide for our family,
Whatever we spend the most of our time on, is what is most important to us.‘
So, if you took everything you did and categorize it by time spent, what would take the most of YOUR time each day?
Because what’s taking most people’s time, is taking them over a cliff!
The average According to data from DataReportal;
The average American spends 7 hours and 4 minutes looking at a screen every day.
That is the ‘average’ American.
So, remember this;
There is no one who looks at a screen 8 hours uninterrupted at work.
There is no one who never looks at a screen at all.
So, that means that the average American looks at a screen than most people on the planet sleep in a day!
– Whatever Cat Meme
– Whatever Influencer
– Whatever Text
– Whatever Social Media
– Whatever Porn Site
– Whatever Dating Site
Whatever Post or platform that is available on our handheld computers is actually what takes up most of the time of the average American, and that is taking them over the cliff.
☆ Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
• Matthew 15:13-14
~ The world has been trained to depend on this handheld technology.
~ The world has drifted so quickly into the handheld technological virtual world.
~ The world has become addicted to that virtual world & now can’t live without it.
~ The world has used that addiction to socially engineer a ‘new world order’.
~ The world has agreed quickly to accept that order, and turn it into our culture.
~ The world has used that culture to try to poison the minds of our next generation.
And, through this psychological operation that is being done on us,
We see so many people who wholeheartedly
– Believe the lie, so much so that they
– Live out the lie, and because they live that way, they need to
– Celebrate the lie, but since other people disagree with it, they demand that;
Everyone else believe, accept, celebrate and honor that lie.
But like me, there are many others out there who see that, and know that this will be taking so many people over the cliff.
They do not see truth, so
They will not know the truth, and even if
They saw the truth, would
They even accept that truth?
‘Maybe’ not.
It is not what they want.
I know it.
I understand it. So
I am certain that, with God’s help, no one will ever be able to make me walk over the cliff.
☆ The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
• 1 Corinthians 2:14
How about you?
– Do your eyes look at your phone, or to your Lord more in your day?
– Do you find you read social media or the Bible more during your day?
– Do you know if your heart is more in the world, or in the WORD during the day?
Because those who are NOT looking at the Lord, reading the Bible, or in HIS WORD more…are going over the cliff.
Those people are dying.
So, let us not be of the World.
Let us be IN HIS WORD, so we can live forever!
☆ And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
• 1 John 2:17
Because my friend, that is our purpose!
There are some of those people out there who will ‘Maybe’ want the truth!
We are to be those who will help those people to find the right path…away from the cliff.
We can help those who have never known God, to be introduced TO GOD.
We can help those who live in today’s world without hope, to find HIM who is our hope!
We can help those who are so depressed by all the bad news, find the way out of that depression by sharing with them the GOOD NEWS!
☆ “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
• Romans 10:15
Let us help those on the wrong path, to change their direction.
Into each, let us help them from walking themselves right over the cliff.
I love you guys!