Root of the Fruit Part 2
Many of you have heard me say this analogy;
“Too many Christians know God, just like they know Brad Pitt.”
The truth is, Yes, they do.
But they only know OF God, just like they know OF Brad Pitt.
They’ve read, seen or heard a lot about Brad Pitt, but don’t really ‘KNOW‘ him, or at least ‘personally’.
That is just like those Christians, they say they know God, but they really don’t.
Sadly, their thoughts, behavior, speech & actions prove that.
The worst part, there are so many Christians today who say they know God, but still believe in the ungodly ideologies and practices of todays culture, like abortion, the LGBTQi+$&@!!😖 agenda and the sexualization of our children.
But this is not new;
☆ They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
• Titus 1:16
But the point in today’s blog, to just Know God isn’t enough.
– There is the need to believe in HIS Grace.
– There is the need to have faith, in HIS Holy Spirit.
– There is the need to have surrendered to HIS power.
Because those people who don’t ,
We will be just like those demons.
The only difference…they won’t shudder (in fear).
Those who don’t have a healthy understanding, or reverent awe of the power and authority of God;
Will not fear the consequences of living in self will, outside of God providence.
Any child of any good father, will have a healthy understanding of the authority, power and discipline of his male parent. That child will, to the best of their ability, know their dad.
But we are finding it obvious that more and more Christians in leadership, even those with real global power, don’t Know God.
And why this is so important, is that in their leadership, they have dangerous, if not deadly examples, for others to follow.
And God DOES speak to us specifically about that.
☆ Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
• Matthew 7:22-23
Our Lord ‘wants’ us to know HIM.
The Word tells us that our highest purpose should be to have an intimate relationship with GOD.
The more we KNOW GOD, the more we will know ourselves.
The more we know ourselves, the more we will have peace.
The more we know Peace, the more we will know God.
With that knowledge of ourselves, and with living in that peace, we will have the ability to know HIS glory, and live in the confidence of our life of eternity we will have with HIM.
☆ But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.
• 2 Peter 3:18
This all takes dying to self.
Too many Christians live for self.
Too many Christians live for comfort.
Too many Christians live for success.
That is not what the Word says is needed for what it takes to know God.
The Word states that it needs a life of sacrifice.
The Word states that it needs a life of long-suffering.
The Word states that it needs a life that imitates our Lord, Jesus Christ.
☆ That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death
• Philippians 3:10
The best part of this message, is that God WANTS us to get close to HIM.
The Word says over and over that we are to know God.
If we really Know HIM,
We will really Love HIM
If we really Love HIM,
We will continually Seek HIM.
If we continually seek HIM,
We have been promised BY HIM, we will FIND HIM.
☆ I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
• Proverbs 8:17
We live in a time where we need to KNOW GOD,
More intimately than ever before.
Our world is starting to go up in flames,
But we will be saved from that fire.
So let us seek, knock and ask, and know GOD.
I love you guys.