Joy of the Lord
Lately, I have been motivated to write about the Strength, Purity and Truth of the Word, and how it relates to our Christian faith in today’s world. A world that is not just antagonistic, but downright violently opposed to Christ.
As I looked back on that writing, I found that even though I had the truth of Lord, I did not have the JOY of the Lord.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I have the joy of the Lord in me.
It is obvious I love the Lord, it is apparent I know God, it is undeniable that I have peace in Christ.
– If I watch the news too much
– If I listen to political podcasts too much
– If I spend time on social media too much
– If I focus on the trials and tribulations of the church too much
– If I concern myself with the events and culture of the world too much
The joy of the Lord get’s pushed down, and can not even appear evident to anyone who would hear me speak or read my words.
(And friends, this is way to easy & subtle a trap to fall into, without even realizing it!)
And that is NOT OK. That is not who I want to be, or who I want to example, and;
It is NOT how The Word says I, you, all of us, are to be.
☆ Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
• James 1:2
Trials of ‘Various Kinds‘.
That doesn’t necessarily mean trouble, problems, crisis or huge issues.
It can be as simple as;
– How you react to the culture
– How you reply to the politics
– How you interpret social media
– How you behave to people living the lie
– How you answer to those who oppose the truth
Well, we are told how to do that;
Like Christ.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians, that we are to imitate him, as he imitates Christ.
So, how does Paul imitate Christ in those kind of reaction?
Well, with the joy of the Lord.
How well would YOU react,
If you were that man, in chains, in prison, in custody, under guard…
Would you be like Paul?
Because he was the example we should aspire to, especially when he said;
☆ Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
• Philippians 4:4
Paul had the purest Joy of The Lord, that came from the deepest part of his soul.
It made the worst situations that any person could ever be in, not even an issue for him.
Paul was just doing what he said he would do, and what he said WE should do;
Imitating Christ.
Ok, so, how does Christ show joy?
– Jesus had such a deep joy that it was worth being beat up for.
– Jesus had such a deep joy that it was worth being mocked for.
– Jesus had such a deep joy that it was worth being lied about for.
– Jesus had such a deep joy, that is was worth being killed on a cross for.
Why would He do that?
What could possibly have been His joy that was worth doing that?
☆ Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him HE endured the cross
• Hebrews 2:2
Jesus showed God’s pure joy in the most awesome way!
- His joy is more powerful than any hardship.
- His joy is stronger than any opposition.
- His joy more secure than any evil that wants to take it.
And that is exactly what the enemy wants to do…he wants to take our joy!
The enemy wants us to live in his fear.
But Jesus says NO!
He says we do not need to live in fear.
He says He will give to us, if we only ask.
He promises that if we live by faith IN HIM,
We can live in the joy that is FROM HIM.
☆ These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
• John 15:11
– Though the world is falling apart, we know who is in charge.
– Though the enemy is filling the airwaves & newspapers with lies, we know the truth.
– Though the culture is selling unhealthy sex, drugs, crime and disrespectful lifestyles, we have the right example to follow.
We know that, with God ALL things are possible.
Which includes, despite what is going on in, around or to us…we can live in;
The Joy of The Lord.
☆ This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
• Psalm 118:24
Let’s not do more news than we must.
Let’s not do more social media than we must.
Let’s not argue culture more than we must.
But let us stand strong, speaking the Truth of The Good News, as we example;
I love you guys!