God’s Will
Have you ever stopped and wondered if you were walking along your path or Gods path?
Have you ever asked yourself if you were doing God’s will or your own will?
Does it ever occur to you that maybe the reasons that when things don’t go well, or you find yourself facing failure in your life;
It is because YOU were living out YOUR will, and NOT God’s will?
I know I have.
I was great at making great plans and announcing all the ‘good things’ I was going to do.
Seriously, in my heart, I really had great intentions, and honest desires to do good.
But I did not know then how my doing what I thought was GOOD stopped me from doing what God knew was GREAT!
You see, the problem was that I did not go to God FIRST, to find out if it was HIS will.
Instead, because I had such a strong prideful desire to do good, I just knew I had the will to do it also.
But saying the ‘I am going to do this’ (whatever good thing it was at the time) was something that I should have never said.
☆ Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
• James 4:15
We all ‘should’ say that.
We should say ‘if it God’s will’.
But do you?
If you honestly do that, how often do you?
How many times do we make medium to large decisions based on our self will?
How many times do we just go ahead because it is what we want?
How many times do we think that, because of our experience, we know what’s best?
How many times do we stop first before we decide, to remember;
MOST the mistake we made by NOT stopping first before we decide?
And instead, give it to GOD first?
There’s a saying;
Ignorance leads to bad choices
Bad choices lead to bad experiences
Bad experiences lead to good lessons
Good lessons lead to good choices
We need to stop, seek God before all these bigger decisions, because then we will be in HIS will.
God’s will.
☆ Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.
• Proverbs 19:21
God can stop us on our path,
He can put his presence right in the way of the track we are walking,
He can and will do that, anytime he wants.
I’ve always said;
“The Bible says ‘THY WILL be done’ and it will be.
Regardless if I like it or not, because God doesn’t need my permission!”
He doesn’t need your permission either.
– Are we looking to achieve our will, or God’s will?
– Are we seeking to accomplish our purpose, or God’s will?
– Are we desiring to fulfill our pleasure, or God’s will?
Because if it is about MY will, and not THY will…
My Self-Will, will always get crushed.
☆ Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;
• Isaiah 46:10
Let us remember who makes our path straight.
Let us remember who it is through where all things are possible.
Let us remember who knows the ending and the beginning of all time.
And let us remember that
It is not us.
The best part, is that because of that fact,
it makes it so much EASIER to do HIS will.
No matter what is going on in the world, and all around us;
If we stop,
Give it to God,
Wait to hear HIM,
Do HIS will…
It will be well with our (eternal) soul.
☆ And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
• 1 John 2:17
So, let us seek to do God’s will.
Then we can live in HIS peace!
I love you guys!