Censor The Truth
Do you ever get the feeling that the political, societal and cultural leaders are trying to censor the truth?
• Politics
• Climate
• Vaccines
• Financial
• Border
• Abortion
• Israel
• Transgenderism
• Religion
Anyone, at anytime, who speaks anything, in any way, that is not in agreement with the world, or any of the global ideology that is believed by those in power…well…that person seems to be castigated, challenged and cancelled.
Because that is how the enemy has poisoned the world he rules.
He has made the world believe the lies so deeply, that they have to censor the truth for them to be able to endure this world.
☆ He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
• John 8:44
It has been that way since Christ.
The only way the enemy can kill the message,
Is for the enemy to kill the messengers.
Just like they did with John the Baptist,
Just like they did with Jesus, also
Just like they are with Steven, in our passage here today;
They went into mob mentality to permanently silenced the hope of God.
Even Paul. He was very willing to censor to truth also.
☆ But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him. Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.
• Acts 7:57-58
Paul was there for that whole event.
He watched, agreed and even supported the anrupt censorship of The Truth.
He watched, agreed and even supported the stoning the speaker of The Truth.
He even volunteered to go kill other people to continue to censor of The Truth.
Today we have that same kind of intolerance from todays contemporary ideologies and viewpoints.
Today we have that same kind of control element that wants to conceal of our Christian ideals & viewpoints.
The teaching of anything about Christ, The honoring of anything about Christianity, The allowing of any applications of faith;
Today, the efforts to conceal that has never been greater
Today, the blowback to anyone who believes or practices a Christ based lifestyle
Looks just like the way that Paul talks about how they used to censor the truth in Biblical times.
☆ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress truth.
• Romans 1:18
What is cool, is that God showed Paul the truth.
HE just gave an immediate download of it.
Then after that, God continued to speak to Paul about The Truth!
And just like if someone were to try to put out a fire by stamping it with his foot, making dangerous sparks fly all over the place, causing even more fires;
Paul also took the political persecution of the Christian faith,
Paul withstood the brutal murder of Christians of that time,
Paul endured the attempt of the world to censor the truth
And created churches all across the land,
Taught about the Joy of the Lord,
And wrote 2/3 the most powerful Truth of Jesus Christ in the New Testament!
God was very specific about staying stout, and then to shout, all about the Love of The Truth!
☆ One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.
• Acts 18:9
What does this say?
It says that we should not ever be concerned about speaking out about God.
It says that God will get his message out regardless what the enemy wants.
It says that the Gospel can not be silenced, despite who or what powers try.
It says that we should never stop from believeing that Jesus is the answer!
It says that, no matter what, NO ONE CAN CENSOR THE TRUTH!
☆ Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
• John 14:6
Those who want to censor the truth, are forever lost without it.
So Christian,
Let us pray for those who want to put a blackout on the Bible.
Let us reach out to those who want to hate the holy.
Let us minister to those to want to be repulsive to the righteous.
Let us share that truth, no matter what.
I love you guys! –