Let’s start today’s blog with asking a blunt question;
What is the biggest roadblock in your life today?
What is your most common answer when someone asks you:
What’s stopping you?
You probably DON’T say the word ‘ME.‘ Do you?
Right. I know. I used to do that all the time as well.
I’d say it was ‘because of this’, or ‘because of that’,
Or I would say it was ‘because of him’, or ‘because of her’.
All I knew is that I had to say it was the fault of ‘anything else in the world’ –
but me.
That removed any of my personal
– Responsibility,
– Accountability and
– Culpability
Well…sorry, but that’s just crap.
If we really ‘believe’ that, we are deceiving others and ourselves if we actually believe that.
☆ The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
• Jeremiah 17:9
Be careful when you answer the question;
What’s stopping you?
Because whatever answer that you give for what you say stopped you..
You whatever you are saying that is, you’re saying that it is bigger than God.
But that’s another LIE.
And, deep down, we know it is NOT true.
So – here is the blunt truth, the answer to that blunt question;
When someone asks what stopped you?
You have only one truthful answer;
It is us.
It is you and me.
We are the ones that get in the way, because we are the only ones who can ‘let’ anything else get in our way.
And sadly, we let that happen everywhere.
We can allow other people to come into our lives to who become roadblocks.
Not just people who incorrectly teach the scripture,
But those who also live contrary to the scriptures.
People who live with;
• Bitterness
• Unforgiveness
• Selfishness
• Slander
• Jealousy
• Dishonesty
• Lust
These are the people we are to ‘have nothing to do with’ (2 Timothy 3:5)
☆ I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.
• Romans 16:17
We are not to be people like that.
We are not to associate with people like that.
We are to avoid them.
That means, it is on us. It is our responsibility.
Because that will be one type of the many attempts that the world (Enemy) will use to put up roadblocks in our lives.
Yet, the Lord tells us that we should be glad about that.
That instead, we should see these roadblocks as ways to increase our faith.
Because with God, there are NO roadblocks.
We can lean into God, strengthen our dependence on God, and remember…no matter the storm raging around us, live in the peace that we could never explain.
☆ Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
• James 1:2-4
And how do we do that?
How do we get to a place where we can feel that peace?
By Giving Up.
Not stopping…but surrendering.
Surrender to win!
Give it to God.
Then take the next right step.
God says HE will be there to take on our battles.
We just need to step back and let Him.
☆ The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
• Exodus 14:14
Maybe there will be financial difficulties, but that doesn’t have to stop us.
Maybe there will be physical limitations, but that doesn’t have to stop us.
Maybe there will be relationship problems, but that doesn’t have to stop us.
Maybe it might temporarily slow us down… But it doesn’t have to stop us!
Because there is nothing, if it is in God’s will, that we can NOT do.
☆ I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
• Philippians 4:13
So…What’s stopping you?
I love you guys!