There’s a funny saying that had always hit really close to home with me, until the last few years. It is;
‘Does the noise in my head bother you?’
Because I was that guy.
I could not stop the loud commotion going on in my brain.
Late at night, that ‘white noise’ never stopped.
Try as I did, over and over, I could never find that switch to turn it off.
I was never able to get my mind to; Shhhhh.
Well, sadly that has always been, as it is right now, happening to the worlds culture.
Too much noise in our heads, too many eyes wide closed.
Jesus talks about that specifically
☆ Jesus said:
“Everything is said in parables so that they may be
– ever seeing but never perceiving, and
– ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!”
• Mark 4:11-12
That is noise pollution to our souls.
Even after I accepted the Lord, but before I really surrendered it all to God, I had that noise in my head.
Because I brought that old world lifestyle and understanding, into the Christian path I now wanted to walk.
This noise was not necessarily turbulent, explosive, or violent;
But it could have been as simple as the natural thoughts of, judging, scrutiny, analyzing, anxieties or just plain fear.
But all of those noises were louder than the white always on noise, as well as those I ‘thought’ were more dangerous.
But I couldn’t Shhhhh any of them.
I still had that worldliness, that old mindset, that attitude that split me in 2 and made it almost impossible for me to hear HIS truth.
It caused the chore of getting rid of that noise in my head to become one of the worst battles I would ever have!
☆ For this is a rebellious people, false sons, sons who refuse to listen to the instruction of the Lord;
• Isaiah 30:9
I would pray, and pray, and pray, and pray.
About everything.
Help me with MY;
– Sin
– Relationships
– Money
– Job
– Family
But the changes were not happening.
I was so depressed.
I came to a place where I said to myself: If this was what Christianity is…who wants that?
But something inside told me not to give up.
I remembered how I was always told how God would answer my prayers.
So I kept praying, and praying, and praying and praying.
Help ME God get this.
Help ME God do this.
Help ME God to achieve this.
But then I heard this still small sound.
It sounded like ‘Shhhhh’.
Then I stopped, and actually listened, and I heard this one clearly;
God told me;
“You’ll never hear ME tell you what I’m going to do for you, if you won’t just shut up and stop talking about yourself!”
☆ The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
• Exodus 14:14
I realized I had no problem talking TO God.
But I had no ability to hear FROM HIM.
In my self based neediness, whining to God for a quick fix;
I was not being still, to hear what His explanation was for the solution.
What GOOD relationship do YOU have where only one person talks, but they never listen to the other?
Do we have more to offer than God?
Do we know more than God?
Of course not!
So we should be listening to God twice as much as we speak to Him.
Like Christ, we should go and have quiet time with Him,
So we can get to KNOW HIM.
☆ Be still, and know that I am God.
• Psalm 46:10
Because if we can do that, God will say to us;
Let me get rid of that noise in your head.
Then we can sit with HIM, know what His will for us is, and live in that peace that surpasses all understanding.
I love you guys