Really know Freedom.
Seriously, think about this question;
Do you REALLY know freedom?
Does any concern for
– Money
– Health
– Children
– Relationships
– Addictions
– Lust
– Jobs
– Security
Cause you any anxiety or burden?
Many of these things are outside our control.
Many of these things happen because of our need to control.
Either way, the worry, concerns, anxieties and burdens we feel from any of those do prove that the faith of God, that gives peace in ALL situations, is NOT with us in that.
Paul says that anything NOT coming from faith is a sin (Romans 14:23), and
Jesus says we can not serve two masters at the same time either (Matthew 6:24).
So, even if it is of our making, our behaviors or attitudes,
Or by some outside person, place or thing,
We will have a weight that blocks us from being able to really know peace.
☆ Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely
• Hebrews 12:1
Ok, great.
Just ‘lay it aside’.
Sure. Super easy. Sounds like it’s not any problem at all.
Unless I am under the bondage of any
• Greed
• Fear
• Selfishness
• Pride
Then it IS a problem.
Sin is then very hard to turn from.
It may sound simple to do, but it is not easy to accomplish.
Because we fight against ourselves, as Paul talks about in Romans 7.
It creates an unwillingness to change, because change so hard,
and worse, we may not believe we could even do it, if we tried, so why try?
In that, we are not free, we are not comfortable, and we are not even safe for our future.
☆ But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself.
• Romans 2:5
Because what is needed, is something we, as a culture, very little of.
With humility, we can practice confession.
With confession, we can practice repentance.
With repentance, we can live in forgiveness.
With repentance we can live in righteousness.
And after our confession, all the rest of this is done through HIS power.
☆ If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
• 1 John 1:9
So, think about this;
We confess, repent, and surrender to God and
Let HIM;
– Stop the fear of lack of money, health problems, relationship issues, lust, or any of those things we spoke of already;
– Stop the pride of our lives, needing to be right, needing to succeed in life or all those things our ego lashes us toward;
– Stop all these burdens of our lives become bigger than our faith in God (for that is sin.).
Then allow HIM to set us FREE!
Then we will KNOW freedom!!!
☆ So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
• John 8:36
Ok. Now what.
So we are free…why? What is the point?
What is the WHY, beneath the WHY?
Now that we are free, that could be a great place for a us to go back to serving ourselves.
So, what will you do to preserve our freedom?
Paul talks about it clearly;
☆ For not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
• Galatians 5:13
Serve others.
There is not any better feeling anyone can have then when they are serving someone else.
Why is that?
Because that is the feeling if BEING IN GODS WILL.
Help others to really know freedom!
Peter says the same thing even clearer;
☆ Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.
• 1 Peter 2:16
When we live in HIS freedom, we will really know freedom.
Because when we are in THAT freedom, we will be living as servants of GOD.
And that freedom, is so full, deep and eternal, that there is no equal.
So ask yourself;
Do you really know freedom?
THAT kind of freedom?
It’s there for you.
Offered with Love, by God, right now.
I love you guys!