Never Wrong
Do you know anyone who is never wrong?
(Or at least never admits it.)
Even in the church, there are way too many.
Those folks confessed with their mouths that He is Lord, and say they accepted Him,
But now, thinking they ‘got right’ with their life, they believe they’re ‘always right’ in their life.
They’re ‘never wrong’.
Which is never right.
Do you know anyone like that?
What ever is wrong…It’s never their fault.
Whatever happened…It’s never their responsibility.
There’s a big finder that points outwards, because it is always blame, excuses, justification and rationalizations for why they are never wrong.
There’s a saying;
“If you DO live like you don’t believe you’re a sinner,
You will NOT live like you believe you need a Savior.”
It’s deceitful, dangerous, and deadly.
☆ If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
• 1 John 1:8
But we DO need to live in the truth…the WHOLE truth.
About ourselves.
If we believe now, we are never wrong;
We will find out soon, we were never right…with anyone…especially God.
It is critical of us to recognize our imperfections.
Not just to ourselves, but to those around us.
For the repentant heart is strengthened when it confesses it’s sin.
And it is in that confession of sin, that the refinement to our purity starts.
☆ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
• 1 John 1:9
The one who admits to himself, then to another, his sins, is one who starts on that path of righteousness.
A real authentic self-aware person never needs to always be right.
Because that person won’t need to live like they’re never wrong.
Because that person will be relying on Jesus, not on themselves.
The person who is self aware and relying on Jesus will be righteous.
And Righteous (NOT perfect) is exactly where we want to be.
As the Word tells us in so many places, and in so many ways the benefits of righteousness.
☆ – Blessings are on the head of the righteous …
– The memory of the righteous is blessed …
– The mouth of the righteous is a well of life …
– But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.”
• Proverbs 10:6,7,11,25
So, let us live in truth.
Ready to admit that we need a savior.
Remember we KNOW we are sinners.
Because when we are right with God…we will not be wrong in how we live our life.
I love you guys!