Carry A Grudge
As strong as you believe you may be, you have lifted nothing as heavy, than when you carry a grudge.
The time that is called the ‘Last Days’ started right after Christ’s resurrection.
However, the time that is called the ‘end of the age’, which I believe we are in now, makes the attitudes and behaviors the bible describes OF the last days, easier to recognize, more dangerous to hold onto, and more common with people, even in the church.
The following verse in Timothy states different types of behaviors, attitudes and actions of the ungodly person in the last days.
But remember this;
A person does not need to own them all, they may just possess just 1of them to be just as guilty and sin filled.
☆ In the Last Days;
People will be
• Lovers of themselves
• Lovers of money
• Boastful
• Proud
• Abusive
• Disobedient to their Parents,
• Ungrateful
• Unholy
• Without love
• Unforgiving
• Slanderous
• Without Self-Control
• Brutal
• Not Lovers of the Good
• Treacherous
• Rash
• Conceited
• Lovers of Pleasure rather than Lovers of God
— having a form of godliness but denying its power.
• 1 Timothy 3:3-5a
Sadly, the people who hold onto any of these attributes, usually do not even believe that they hold onto these attributes.
I know…I was one of them.
I was a lover of myself, lover of money, boastful proud, ungrateful, unforgiving, conceited, with no self control.
I was a low rent version of Hunter Biden.
I was a lover of pleasure, rather than a lover of God.
What happened, is that I found that so many people, who I admired, actually followed the instructions at the end of that 1 Timothy scripture;
☆ Have nothing to do with such people.
• 1 Timothy 3:5b
I thought “Don’t you know who I am? Just who did you think you are?”
People were not living their life, to the best of my desires.
I was bitter, I did not forgive people and I would carry a grudge.
It was easier for me to blame everyone else for their behavior I did not like, and the actions that they took that separated us, than to take any accountability for my behavior that may have pushed them away.
Well, today I choose to walk differently.
I would like to live in joy, have peace with those around me,
And welcome the Holy Spirit to flourish inside of me.
Because God says I am to do that.
☆ Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
• Ephesians 4:31-32
There are consequences for that.
The Lord said it in today’s scripture of Matthew 6:15.
It is not just a matter of saying ‘it’s ok’ and not being angry anymore.
Because forgiveness means so much more than just acceptance.
Forgiveness…REAL forgiveness…means to let it go completely.
As if the relationship was started brand new.
You know that I am not saying forgive and/or forget a rapist, murderer or physical abuser to be welcomed back into your life,
(But that can happen with the repentance of God, and the forgiveness of God.
We actually saw that with the Amish people who loved all over the man and his family who shot 10, and killed 5 of their children in a schoolhouse in 2007.)
If your forgiveness is one of;
‘I forgive you, but I never want you around me again.’
That is NOT Godly forgiveness.
That is carrying a grudge.
And it will be the kind of forgiveness that
God gives you.
☆ “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
• Mark 11:25
From the bottom of my soul, I wish to be completely forgiven by God.
So that means;
I need to completely forgive others from the bottom of my soul.
And not carry a grudge.
Stop carrying the heaviest thing ever created in the entire universe, a LIE created by the enemy, that places you in the sin of self, and away from the presence & Peace of God.
Don’t carry a grudge, wear Gods banner of
Grace &
I love you guys!