When I was younger, I surfed a lot.
There were 3 groups of surfers.
1. Locals: Who lived close, went to school together & knew each other well
2. Outsiders: Who lived far away and came to compete in surfing skills
3. Posers: Who were the least liked. They were neither local or surfers.
These guys did not have the skills of the surfers or the relationships with the surfers, they just ‘posed’ as surfers.
Well, sadly the church is also filled with Posers.
Those who walk like they know Christ, they talk like they know Christ, but deep in their heart they really don’t know Christ.
They believe in God, they may also believe in Jesus and the resurrection…but…they have not surrendered up their lives in obedience to Him.
☆ “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”
• Luke 6:46
Now the saddest part of all of this is that posers doesn’t actually realize that they are posers.
They are not even aware that they have done nothing more than scratched the surface of the relationship with God desires us to have with Him, through Christ.
The may have lived a whole life of being posers.
– They may have been born in a church.
– They may have been raised in a church.
– They may have been baptized in a church.
– They may have been married in a church.
– They may have been active in a church.
– They may have been celebrated in death by a church.
And yet, they may still HAVE NEVER KNOWN GOD.
Because they’re posers.
They are those who know all about God, may know all about the Bible, and can probably quote a bunch of scriptures.
Heck, they probably don’t even realize they are pretending to know God.
☆ Many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
• Matthew 7:22-23
But let’s flip that script on that analogy.
I can not speak for you, but know that I have had the honor of meeting many people who, the moment that they met the Lord, the instantly KNEW HIM.
The personal introduction that they had TO HIM was so transformative, the impact BY HIM was so incredible, the change THROUGH HIM was so miraculous, that they knew it WAS HIM that did it all.
So, it was easy for them to let go of it all.
I saw them completely devote their lives to Obedience to God.
Willingly, lovingly, gladly and wholly.
I saw in them, within an instance, their intimate, full and mature relationship with God, through Christ.
It also happened within someone who, in a very short time, came to a place that some Christians will never get to.
– Because of those people’s example, I have seen other people who were inspired.
– Because of those people’s example, I watch others surrender completely to God.
– Because of those people’s example, I personally have been encouraged to stay the course.
Because I don’t want to be a poser…I want to KNOW HIM.
☆ I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death
• Philippians 3:10
So where are you on this spectrum?
Do you really KNOW God?
Or are you a poser?
Be a local, get to know Him personally and intimately.
I love you guys!