New Year, New Man
Some will say; 2022 was was a Witch.
Some will say; 2023 will be her bigger, badder, uglier step-sister.
But I suggest WE say; New Year, New Man.
Why is it that we, as humans, need to have ‘fresh starts‘?
– Could it be, that because even with a faithful life in Christ, we find ourselves time over time, collecting sins and needing to re-boot?
– Could it be, that because He knows our sin nature, GOD placed at our disposal, a time element, a ‘new year’, that we instinctively use to practice a repentance that we may not normally employ?
– Could it be, and let’s be honest here Christians, that deep in our souls, we know our old sinful nature still battles to enslave us as our master, but we need to come back to that place where we feel forgiven by Christ for having paid the ransom as the price to free us from that.
☆ We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.
• Romans 6:6
So, on December 31st, of each year;
Some of us may make ‘New Years Resolutions’
Some of us may recommit the year to our goals.
Some may use this as a time to look to a new start, new attitude or new outlook.
Some may think they are doing well enough, and this day is just like any other, therefore, no change of any kind is needed.
But what does The Word say?
☆ And we have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
• Colossians 3:10
‘Being’ renewed.
It is a process.
It is ongoing.
So, New Year, New Man.
Let us take thus time, this break in the calendar, to commit.
Let us commit to keep moving in the direction we are going.
Let us realize a deeper relationship with God, through Christ, where we can make that commitment even more consistent.
So, New Day, New Man.
Let us wake up every day, and start fresh.
Let us rest in God with a new beginning, as we give all those around us the same courtesy in our hearts.
Let us desire an intimacy so great, and so close, and so deep, that everyone will see it in us.
So, New Minute, New Man.
Let us live, minute by minute, with a repentant heart.
Let us live, minute by minute, with the forgiveness, mercy, grace and humility that God has created in us.
Let us live, minute by minute, as that new creation, not as that old person of the;
Last Year,
Last Day
Last Minute.
☆ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
• 2 Corinthians5:17
So let us, at 12:01 AM on January 1, go into 2023 with a New Year, New Man repentant, humble, forgiving, merciful, loving and peaceful worshipful heart.
Then at 12:02 AM, let us continue that with a New Minute, New Man heart of God.
And from that day on, everyday let us live in the New Day, New Man Man, forgiven and refreshed through Christ.
Happy New Year!
I love you guys.