God? No thanks!
God? No Thanks!
Is what too many people say today as the world and especially the western culture becomes more and more secular, those who are anti-God.
They are listening to atheists like
– Richard Dawkins,
– Sam Harris,
– Michael Shermer
– Chris Stedman
Who are now ramping up their vitriol even more to gain momentum for their mission to get the censorship and removal of Christianity out of every piece of public square that they can.
Those people, when asked, are quick to respond: God? No Thanks!
That is why the passionate, pervasive and positive teaching of:
– CRT (Social Studies),
– Socialism/Communism (History),
– Trans Identity/Sexual Deviance (Health) &
– Evolution (Biology)
Is being forced on the youth of this country.
They want all kids to say;
God? No Way!
They are doing all they can to dismantle the foundation of the Scriptures.
They are doing all they can to remove this truth;
☆ In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
• Genesis 1:1
The people that back this ungodly theory, have never proven the reasons of their opposition, but have just given loud, angry, and bitter arguments that focus on demeaning and insulting those who believe in God.
To have a logical, practical and even tempered discussion with an atheist is rare.
Because of their inability to ‘prove’ their reasons for disbelief, it creates within them the only tactics that they have left;
Anger and Bullying.
Because of a self righteousness in their opinions, they will refuse to even converse or research opposing viewpoints of God.
Because they can’t.
They believe in only themselves.
They are their God.
And that is an argument they will always lose.
So their only defense of their self based position, is to be offensive to all other positions.
☆ They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.
• Ephesians 4:18-19
So, before the conversation even starts, before the first debate even begins, their closed minds have already in place the thought; God? No thanks!
Then, those who call Christians narrow minded, will in their own narrow mindedness, refuse to even consider anything different than what they believe.
And what they believe takes A LOT OF FAITH!!
But we know better, or should at least.
We know that the enemy is at work here,
We know that this is all done so that the enemy can get as many eyes off Christ and His Heavenly Word, and rely on people and their humanistic world.
☆ See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
• Colossians 2:8
We can be free and at peace by obeying God.
No matter how difficult the situation is, no matter how hard the circumstances gets, doing it Gods way, is ALWAYS better.
People, Places, Things
Relationships, Finances, Occurrences
All of them are better with God.
For we can KNOW that all things work to the Good for those who are with God.
So we never need concern ourselves with the world’s teaching.
☆ But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men
• Acts 5:29
So when others are asked about God, and they think: God? No thanks!
We can know as truth, and with great peace, God? YES PLEASE!
I love you guys!