Religion or a Relationship?
If you have been a Christian more than 10 minutes, you probably know the following scripture.
It is the passage quite often used by the preacher/pastor/minister to show just how easy it is to become a Christian and to accept Christ.
But think about it…when this is done, what is being accepted; a Religion or a Relationship?
☆ If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
• Romans 10:9
I know, First Hand, that the first part of this scripture is easy.
I know, First Hand, that the second part of the verse…is sometimes NOT.
‘If you say with your mouth’;
THAT can be done just for show, that can be done to fit in, or that can be done just to ‘look’ good.
It can also be done after a moving sermon that makes you think.
It can also be done after a sermon that causes you a fear of hell.
And when it is done like that, it is done from the head.
Is that a Religion or a Relationship?
But to;
‘BELIEVE’ in your heart’
THAT is very, VERY different.
That is something one can not fake.
That is something, that when it’s done, changes a person so dramatically that EVERYONE knows that they are now different.
They will see that they are now a person of God, not someone of the World.
Because they have a relationship not a religion.
☆ And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men
• Isaiah 29:13
This is the conundrum.
We see many who have completely bought into a religion.
It is almost like joining a cult.
It is not the church that Jesus talked about.
It is definitely not a relationship.
They will profess a huge faith, and say loud words of proclamation, they will testify of what they say that they believe…but then we see their actions.
– What does it say about the person who says they have faith in God, but that persons actions are no different compared to anyone else?
– What does it say about the person whose lifestyle is unable to be distinguished over any other person of the world?
– What does it say about that person who says they have faith, but openly show a sinful, worldly lifestyle?
Does it say they have a Religion or a Relationship?
It says that we know they have said the 1st part of Romans 10:9, but have NOT internalized the 2nd part.
And that 2nd part…
We need to believe. We need to have faith.
We need to have that change in our hearts!
Because if we do not have that kind of faith in God, we do not have eternal life!
☆ And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
• Hebrews 11:6
Back to the conundrum;
So someone ‘says’ they believe.
And, to be fair, that person actually MAY believe.
They may believe there is a GOD, they actually believe there is A GOD of the Bible.
However, they just believe that it is not THEIR God.
This is the essence of our faith.
It is not a Religion, it is a RELATIONSHIP.
God wants us to KNOW Him.
He wants to have an intimate relationship with us.
Like a Father, with a child He loves with all of His heart.
So we can be taught by Him, to BE like Him.
☆ That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
• Philippians 3:10
That can not be achieved through a religion, that is only available by having a relationship.
So…do you have a Religion or a Relationship?
I love you guys.