Narcissist or Nice?
In the U.S., most of us grew up with this the Christmas statement about Santa Clause:
He is checking to see who was ‘Naughty or Nice.’
However, shouldn’t we really restructure that statement to fit the reality of what our country really is…a society of people who are really either
Because that IS really what we do have.
Our country now has a culture that has become more than just selfish, but people who have become so out of touch with any self awareness of themselves, that calling them narcissist is really kind.
Narcissism is what it is on the low end, but is close to sociopath on the high end.
That is why this verse seems so appropriate for us right now.
☆ For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
• James 3:16
Quick fact; (Hold on to your seat.)
The reason a person won’t believe they are a narcissist…is because they are a narcissist.
They have a complete lack of ability to be self aware, so they won’t be able to recognize any of their selfishness, rudeness, disrespect, hypocrisy, dishonesty, and harm that they do to others.
Because all that person can do is think about themselves and their needs.
Since their primary desire of a narcissist is their comfort, they often find that real life makes that comfort hard for them to achieve.
So…they demand change in others.
Nothing is ever their fault, and thus others must change to make the narcissist’s life better.
The narcissist is the most important person in the world to themselves, and that means that others need to modify their behavior to make the narcissist feel better.
Which is exactly the opposite of what The Word teaches;
☆ Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
• Philippians 2:3
A narcissist won’t be able to internalize to live out that verse. (Unless God changes them.).
Their Conceit in believing they are the best, and their rivalry of anyone who challenges their belief they are the best, is the foundation of the narcissists nature.
So, how can you tell if a person is Narcissist or Nice?
It is impossible for that narcissist to be NICE, unless there is a reason that is really selfish motivation for something that they want.
So, usually the narcissist is NOT nice.
But that is what God wants.
He wants us to be nice.
He wants us to live in a way that, today, is completely opposite of how society behaves.
God wants us to be NICE not narcissist.
Thinking of others over self.
☆ Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
• Romans 12:10
When we give OF ourselves, there is no greater gift we can give.
When we serve others, we don’t just feel good about ourselves, and bless others by the help we give to those who need it…but we HONOR GOD!
When we fill ourselves with God, we have so much to give.
When we are filled with ourselves, we have nothing to offer.
Remember this Christmas:
The worst gift available – It the person wrapped up in themselves.
So let us give the biggest present ever: the presence of Our Lord who lives within our hearts!
So, are you narcissist or nice?
If you even ask yourself that question, you aren’t!
(But be careful of selfishness!)
I love you guys!