Does Christ = Hate?
Today, we hear a lot of very loud voices say yes!
We have been told for about 2,000 years, that what we see, right now would happen.
Just like it is in todays culture. They said that a hate for Jesus, and Christians, would someday arrive.
We were told:
☆ For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
• 1 Timothy 4:3-4
Well, it is here.
Anyone who lives a life of Biblical principles, who leads a family in the way of The Word, will be called ‘ultra right wing’ as a derogatory categorization.
When men or women of Christ, believe that marriage should be between Men and Women through Christ, they are called ‘Bigots’.
Why? Because:
Todays culture has been told to believe: Christ = Hate.
Forget the fact that most Christians will live their faith within themselves.
Unlike todays trend to force others outside of their cultural sphere, to not just accept, but celebrate their lifestyle.
where, on the other hand, the Christian will tend NOT to push their lifestyle on others.
So, because of the fact that the Christian won’t live in the same culturally acceptable lifestyle, or believe the same currently popular ideology…that is enough for the woke mob to attack them.
The put all their weight into:
– Demonetizing
– Delegitimizing and
– Demonizing.
And now the horror of it, is that they are working HARD to focus all of their energy on the kids.
They are teaching, as young as those in grade school, this ideology right out loud.
They are not hiding their desire to propel this culture into the next level of removing Christ from all public discourse.
Removing the ability for parents to consent to the government control
Using curriculum designed for heavy duty social engineering
Employing in crucial areas of organizations & Govt. to advance the cause.
It is almost like a new religion.
They are brainwashing them to believe; CHRIST = HATE
☆ For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
• Romans 1:25
But, sadly, it is a lie.
And it is also a prison to live in.
They are trying to mandate cultural behavior that is ALWAYS CHANGING.
It is a difficult way to live, as the rules change, as the climate changes, and what you said that was acceptable Monday, may get you put in jail, because it is illegal on Tuesday.
But the Christian doesn’t have to live that way.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever!
– THAT is one of the major joys of living for God.
– THAT is one of the reasons for peace by living in God
– THAT is one of the reasons we have power in us from God
Because we live in that truth, and we have that peace, because it was HIS promise.
☆ Jesus said “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
• John 8:31-32
So, the reason for this blog today is not to complain about those who believe CHRIST = HATE.
It is about showing those same people that GOD IS LOVE
It is about us providing those people, to the best of our ability, that those who reject Jesus, reject eternal life.
Today’s blog is to remind us, that we are to go and make disciples.
To be that example of HIS joy, HIS peace, and HIS love.
Let us be that message, that without HIM, there is no REAL peace and joy.
Let us show them, in love, that we want them to come with us.
That there really is no other way.
☆ Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
• John 14:6
I love you guys!